100% sapphic goddess ;)

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(Santana's P.O.V.:)

My alarm clock screeched abruptly waking me up. I groaned and slapped the snooze button with my knuckles. I flipped over laying on my stomach smashing my face into my pillows and let out a small scream. Mumbling under my breath "it's way too early for me to be awake." I'm NOT a morning person.

I slid my legs off the bed sitting up and stretching my arms behind my head. I rubbed my eyes lazily and looked at the clock that had apparently collapsed to the floor when I smacked it.... 5:30 AM. My eyes shot open and I darted to the bathroom. "Crap! I'm gonna be late for work!" I ran past Rachel's room poking my head in for her wake up call. "WAKE UP HOBBIT WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" It wasn't the nicest wake up call but it got the job done. I hopped in the shower and a few

Minutes later I got out, wrappe a towel around myself, and dashed to my room to put my uniform. On my way to my room I noticed an already clothed, uniformed and made up Rachel poring herself some coffee, looking completely awake. I growled at her ability to just be full of energy at this time in the morning. " hey Barbara!" I hissed sarcastically "don't forget to pour me a glass" I chuckled giving her a joking wink and dashed into my room to get my uniform on and do my hair and makeup.

20 minutes later I ran out of my room grabbing my car keys and the mug of coffee from the outstretched, waiting hand of my roommate. "Morning sunshine. She said enthusiastically knowing I hated waking up in the morning, and giving me an evil yet amused look. "Bite me berry." I said giving her a fake smile. We both chuckled and headed down to my car.

"Santana hurry up we're gonna be late! It's almost 6:30!" Rachel screamed from the passengers seat impatiently. " I got this under control hobbit now could you please shut it before your voice causes me to get us into an accident?" I said kind of annoyed. She did this every morning. She should know by now that if she didn't want to be late she should be the one who keeps the alarm. She makes me do it cause she doesn't want me to hit her if she tries to wake me up.

I pulled into the staff parking lot, the 4 slots in the back, and grabbed my keys from the ignition along with my apron and my coffee. I hopped out of the car and closed the door to my car locking it as I headed for the door to the diner, an anxious Rachel right behind me.

I entered the diner. It was 5:55. "Yes." I muttered under my breath. We managed to get to the spotlight diner before Gunther, my boss, arrived. If I was late one more time I'm sure he'd of fired me. We walked to the back and punched in signalling that we were now working our shifts. I sighed and put everything in my cubby (my keys mug and jacket) while Rachel went to work straight away. I thought it was just me Rachel and the kitchen staff when I heard another locker slam shut followed by humming. Whoever was humming had an Amazing voice. MIT was intoxicating, it was beautiful. Then I saw her.

I looked over to see a short gorgeous blonde girl with the cutest dimples on her cheeks and her chin and the most amazing chocolate brown eyes I'd ever seen. She had a guitar case with her leaned up against her locker and tattoos behind her ear and on her wrist. "Wow" I whispered under my breath. She must have heard me cause I heard a small giggle and turned to see that she was looking at me and smiling. I smiled back nervously then hurried to the front to get to work I was too nervous to talk to her.

After Gunther showed up he put me to work filling salt shakers behind the counter. I kept looking over at the girl from earlier. I couldn't help it. She was gorgeous. I looked up again to find her staring back with this cute little half smile on her face. "She's so beautiful" I breathed. "Who is?" Rachel said obviously overhearing and scaring the crap out of me.

"W-what are you talking about Rachel." I said nervously and looking up at the girl again discretely. She followed my gaze and gasped almost shrieking and grabbing my arm. "You are looking at that girl over there!" She said excitedly. "Who is she!?" She asked me. "I don't know!" I replied annoyed," but she's amazing." I said trailing off and continuing to fill the salt shakers. "Go talk to her." Rachel said suggestively and nudging me. "Easier said than done." I said as I sighed and waved her away. I wish i knew who she was. I thought and went Back to work.

(Dani's P.O.V.)

I walked into work with my guitar on my back. I laid it down against my locker taking my headphones out of my ears wrapping them around my phone, and placing them in my locker with the rest of my belongings. I was in a great mood today. I almost didn't notice I was humming "walking on sunshine" until I heard someone whisper "wow". I turned to see and tall, toned, dark haired Latina, checking me out. She was gorgeous. I let out a quiet laugh and smiled at her. She snapped out of whatever was distracting her and realizing I had caught her staring. She smiled back awkwardly and ran out the door to the front. I think she was nervous. I shrugged it off. But still she was GORGEOUS.

Later on I was taking a customers order down when I felt someone staring at me I looked up and saw the Latina girl looking at me completely awestruck. I thought maybe I had something on my face until I realized he was checking me out again. I met her gaze and smirked at her flirtatiously. I wonder if she's even a lesbian. I decided to just drop it and continue working. I could feel her staring still and I chuckled. Sending the order back to the kitchen and waiting silently for the day to end.

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