The party

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(Dani's P.O.V.)

The party was insane. Decorations everywhere, good drinks and food. The music was blasting, and the hall was gigantic. The place was packed.

"Now where's Santana." Dani thought to herself before entering the part and searching for her girlfriend.

(Santana's P.O.V.)

We were sitting by the lunch bowl, me Rachel Quinn Kurt and Blaine. I looked around for dani. It was too crowded, but I couldn't see her.

I turned back to my dirty martini with an eyeball olive and sipped disappointedly.

I felt someone snake their hands around my waist and turned to see a masked sexy pirate woman looking at me.

I squirmed for a second until I saw her beautiful brown eyes and her distinct blonde hair.

"Dani.??" I said smiling as she brushed her lips against my neck.

"Who else would it be." She purred.

"Whatcha doing babe." I said giggling as she nibbled my ear."

"Ya know." She said playfully. "Just thought you might wanna have fun tonight."

I laughed. "You're gonna have to dance with me first. And I'm gonna need another drink. I said winking as I bit her lower lip.

"Two more." She said slipping the bar tender a 20 and pulling me into the crowd of people dancing to the music.

She spun me around and pressed herself against me. Running her hands down the sides of my torso. My breath hitched as she grabbed my hips abruptly and pulled me impossibly close to her.

She slowly slid down grinding up against me. When she came back up she leaned in to kiss me, but I turned around and ground my ass against her teasing her. She moved the hair off of my neck and kissed my shoulder. I shivered as I shot my hand up tangling it in her hair.

She but my neck and that was it. I couldn't take anymore. I spun around and crashed our lips together passionately. We slowly made our way to the bathroom.

(Dani's P.O.V.)

Me and Santana crashed into the bathroom throwing the door into the wall. We checked to make sure no one was in there before I sat her on the sink and went to lock the door behind us. The second I clicked the lock shut I felt Santana's arms around me. She spun me around and shoved me against the wall. I let out a small moan.

"Babe... Are... You... Sure..... Here?" I said between gasps.

"Don't talk. I need you right now." She said brushing her lips against mine as she pushed her body against mine.

(Santana's P.O.V.)

I left a trail of wet sexy kisses along her jaw line and neck. I but her skin softly before sucking it. Dani moaned which encouraged me to continue. I slid y hands along the hem of her skirt as I grabbed her thighs softly and dragged my hands up bringing her skirt up with them. When my hands reached her hips I pushed my thigh in between her legs and grinded it against her crotch. She gasped and tangled her fingers in my hair in response to the sudden friction.

"God I've been waiting for this for months." I growled in her ear my lips brushing her soft skin. She whimpered, I guess it turned her on more than I thought because she ripped my shirt off and crashed our lips together cupping my face. I went to pull her dress of.

"SANTANA? DANI?" We heard Rachel screech before pulling in the door.

"Ugh, YEAH RACHEL WE ARE IN HERE." Dani replied frustratedly.

"Oh.... Both of you?" She said giggling.

"Yes." I responded.

"Well there's something I need to show you guys." She said nervously.

"Oh god." I groaned. Throwing my costume back on. "What did you do now berr-" I stopped as I opened the door to Rachel, standing next to a smirking Brittany.

"Hi sanny." She said winking at me.

"Hey Britt....." I said angrily.

"Oh no." Dani whispered, mimicking my thoughts. That's when I noticed she wasn't alone.

"Hey Santana." Sam growled.

"This should be hell." I thought to myself. Here starts the worst night ever .

100% sapphic goddess ;)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora