The day after

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(Santana's P.O.V.)

I couldn't sleep. After I got home from walking dani to her apparent, after that kiss... I can't stop thinking about her. I can't eat I can't sleep. I can't even think straight. I can't get her out of my head. "Santana it's time to get up for wo-" Rachel stared dumbfounded at me. "Y-you're already awake? How the hell did that happen it's only 4 in the morning. What's wrong santana? Did something happen after I left yesterday?" She questioned winking at me. I blushed at the thought of dani. It didn't go unnoticed by the dwarf. "OMG SOMETHING DID HAPPEN! OMG YOU GUYS KISSE DIDNT YOU!!!. THIS IS AWESOME! Is she your girlfriend? Have you guys held hands yet? Do you have cute nicknames OMG this is so amazing!" She squealed and jumped up and down.

"God. rach calm down! Ok ? We just... Kissed" I smiled. "But no we are not dating yet, I don't think, I don't know we haven't talked about it. All I know is that it was one hell of a kiss." My smile grew a bit wider and I buried my face in the blankets to hide my blushing face.

" well you get to talk to her now cause we have to to go work so get up and get ready for work Tanna!" She squealed and ran off to, I'm assuming, tell lady Hummel the "amazing news".

I took a shower and washed my hair as fast as I could. I took my time with my makeup, I wanted to look perfect. I hesitated in asking Rachel on her opinion before starting on my hair. I wanted to look great and impress dani, who always looks amazing. Got she has the cutest dimples and her eyes are just gorgeous like melted chocolate drops. "HURRY UP LOPEZ WE ARE GONNA BE LATE." I heard Kurt and Rachel squawking from the kitchen. The sound of their shrieks made me cringe. It was so annoying when they did that.

A few moments later I walked out and grabbed my car keys. "Did you guys by any chance make me some coffee?" I said giving them a tired yet pleading look.

"You know we did lovely." Responded Kurt handing me a large mug.

"Ugh I freaking love you Hummel." I said greatfully. "I really needed this, I'm exhausted I didn't sleep much last night."

"Ooh I heard." He said suggestively giving me a wink. "I heard you have it baaaad miss Lopez." He snickered.

"Shut it Hummel." I said amused, and a bit embarrassed. "Let's go before Gunther throws a massive bitch got and I get fired." I said hurrying them out the door and to the car.

We arrived at the diner well before we were due to start our shifts. So I was early for once. It was obvious I wanted a chance to talk to dani before our shifts started.

I walked into the spotlight diner with a smile on my face and blushing red cheeks. Immediately my eyes found the beautiful blonde hair that was pinned up in a cute little messy bun on top of Dani's gorgeous head. Our eyes met and she smiled and looked at the floor trying to hide her blushing face. She wrapped her arms around her sides and looked back up at me shyly. My breath hitched as she bit her lip and winked at me. It was so cute. She unfolded her arms letting on of them fall to her hip while the other stretched out towards me. She curled a finger motioning for me to come over. It was so adorable, and sexy at the same time. I let out the breath I was holding, placed my stuff in my locker and walked over to her blushing involuntarily.

" morning beautiful." She cooed, in a low raspy voice that was extremely sexy, as she wrapped her arms around my next and pulled me close. He lips brushed against my ear and her breath was warm against my neck as she whispered, " you look amazing today." And left a soft kiss on my cheek as she pulled away a little bit but not all the way, leaving her arms draped over my shoulders and one of her hands tangled in my hair, stroking the back of my neck with her soft fingers.

The minute her arms wrapped around me I instinctively slid mine around her waist pulling her closer to me.

"Good morning." I said smiling against her cheek. "You look even better." I breathed before lightly placing a chaste kiss on the crook of her neck.

She giggled and kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed her back pulling her a bit closer. It was amazing before we were interrupted by the cooing of Rachel and Kurt.

"AWW! You guys are so cute.!" They said in unison.

Dani breathed out a small laugh and laid her head on my shoulder. She closed her eyes and sighed.

I shot them a look telling them to get lost. They must have got the point cause they snickered and winked before walking away to get ready for our shift.

"So...... Are we dating or...." I stammered afraid of ruining the moment.

"Santana Lopez." She said mockingly. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend.?" She giggled again.

I smiled, that wasn't what I thought she would say but I'm glad she understood. "Why yes miss dani. I think I am." I said smiling as a blush crept over my face.

She noticed and cooed amusedly. " I'd love to." She smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

Our lips met and I smiled into the kiss. We rested our foreheads against each other as we pulled out of the kiss. And just smiled as we gazed into each other's eyes. It didn't last long before Gunther walked in and we had to get to work.

Later on I walked up to Rachel who was behind the counter reading another magazine. "What are you up to?" I said casually.

"Nothing much just waiting for Kurt." She replied.

"Wait Hummel is coming here? Why?." I questioned.

Before she could answer Kurt burst from the back room in a uniform with the stupidest look on his face "are ya ready for me?" He said, I guessed quoting a broadway thing.

"Woah what are you doing here lady Hummel?." I chuckled.

"Well I needed a job, so now we are working here together!" He exclaimed.

"This is amazing I feel like I'm in a real life version of smash.!" Rachel chimed.

"Ya know." I began, "I think this is the first time we are all happy." I sighed ,"Hummel's engaged, Rachel is completely positive and completely confident about her fanny Brice role and I finally have a girlfriend who I don't have to worry about straying and leaving me for penis." The two erupted into laughter from the comment I made. We all sat an laughed for awhile. We decided to make a pact that we would stay here in New York together for 2 years and do everything in our power to make our dreams come true. We shook hands and got ready to go home. They left in my car and I walked Danny home. Our hands intertwined as we walked Down the street, as the sun set behind us I kissed her cheek and we wrapped our arms around each other.

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