Celebration ^-^

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Gonna try to make this chapter as long as possible but I'm running on pure thought and what I've seen in the show so it might be short tonight! Sorry and thanks guys for the support! Vote and comment!

(Dani's P.O.V.)

Santana and I are officially dating :). I couldn't be happier. She's amazing and she makes me so happy. After the kiss I went into work expecting awkwardness but instead she asked me to be her girlfriend and we kissed and held each other and ugh.. I'm so excited.

After work santana walked me home. We walke Dow the street with our fingers intertwined. I had butterflies in my stomach, I guess she has that effect on me, in a good way! The sun set behind us and she kissed my cheek and put her arm around me, I couldn't help but sigh contently and lay my head on her shoulder as we walked to my apartment.

When we got to my place she gave me a kiss and was just gonna go home but I asked her if she wanted to come inside for awhile.

"And do what?" She said curiously taking my hand and walking inside.

"I dunno watch a movie? Maybe get some takeout?... OOH WE COULD CUDDLE." I said excitedly. She smiled down at me and kissed my nose. "That sounds perfect D." She responded.

(Santana's P.O.V.)

Dani's apartment was so cute, she had a bunch of pillows on her couch covered in blankets, it looked like a little cuddling fort. She had a kitchen bar and a zebra print rug. It was adorable. We walked in and she took my hand and led me over to the couch.

"You can sit I'm gonna change out of my uniform. Oh! I forgot you still have yours on... I don't suppose you brought a change of clothes so you can borrow something of mine ok?" She asked.

"Ok that sounds great. Haha thanks babe." I responded. She smiled and giggled taking my hand and dragging me down the hallways to what I was guessing was her room. I walked in and her room was completely decorated with zebra print, rainbow and some pika dots but it was pretty cohesive and it looked great.

She walked over to her dresser and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt that was small but just barely fit me. She handed it to me. I pulled off my uniform and started undressing without thinking. I'm used to getting dressed in front of Rachel because we live together, but I wasn't thinking about how I was stripping in front of my now stunned girlfriend. I didn't realize I had done it until I turned to grab the shirt and saw her staring at me. She scanned my body up and down and just sat there speechless.

"Oh my god dani I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking. I usually just change in front of Rachel at home. Oh god I'm such an idiot." I said, trying to cover myself up by pulling the shorts on.

She stared at me. I looked right at her eyes which were now tearing up.

"HAHAHAHAHA.!!" She Burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I said feeling kind of hurt.

She must have seen the sadness in my eyes because she came over and hugged me. "Aww no baby I'm not laughing at you. Haha. I'm laughing because you're beautiful and you have an amazing body it's just you were so comfortable with getting undressed in front of me. It was funny because I didn't expect you to be so confident about it." She said giggling as she kissed my cheek and walked over to the dresser before taking off her jacket. But she stopped.

"What's wrong dani?" I said still shirtless.

"Nothing." She said turning to me before winking at me and pulling her shirt off. She looked at me and pulled on a pair of shorts but left her shirt off. She but her lip and folded her arms trying to cover herself up.

"Wow." I said. My jaw dropped. I gaped at how beautiful she was.

"Shut up haha." She giggled and tossed me a shirt. She pulled a t-shirt on as well. I put it on and flopped down on her bed.

"Alright so what are you thinking for take-out?" I asked.

"Chinese?" She responded

"Sounds good to me."

I got up and went to walk into the living room when dani came up behind me and gently slapped me in the ass.

"Hey!" I said turning around half laughing and smiling. She had an evil look on her face as she but her lip and winked at me before walking right passed me and into the kitchen to order the food.

After she was done ordering I snuck up on her and picked her up with my arms holding her back and under her knees. She squeaked and giggled holding on to me tightly. I kissed her softly and laid her on the couch. She laughed and smiled up at me.

"Pay back." I said before I jumped onto the couch straddling her waist and tickling her sides.


STOP AHHH." She squealed and giggled as I tickled the crap out of her. She was so cute. I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I kissed her nose and grabbed my wallet before she could get up.

"San!." She whined. "Let me pay for it." She demanded as she got up. I tickled her and her legs buckled as she plunged bak on the couch.

"Nope. I'm paying babe." I said winking at her and blowing a kiss.

I answered the door. The delivery guy was about our age maybe a bit younger and nerdy. He stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

"How much? Haha." I said still laughing from the squeals of joy dani made as I was tickling her.

"Uh I um e." He stuttered. He was staring at my chest.

"Hey teenage perv. Stop ogling and tell me how much the food is." I sneered. He just stood there still scanning me.

(Dani's P.O.V.)

"Hey teenage perv. Stop ogling and tell me how much the food is." I heard santana bark from the door. I got up and walked over to see her standing frustratedly looking at the delivery guy who was staring at her breasts. He just looked her up and and down. It was making me mad.

"Daaaamn you're super hot." He said with his mouth still gaping. That was it.

I walked up and wrapped my arms around her and nudged her out of the way. "Hey zit face, what did you just say to her?." I hissed at him.

"I told her she was hot. And damn so are you." I was furious and now I felt violated. I folded my arms in front of myself and covered myself up. I was looking at the floor when I felt something speed past me and I heard the kid gasp and whimper. I looked up and santana had him pinned to the wall. She had sped right passed me, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, placed the food on the ground, and now had him pinned against the wall.

"Look nerd. You just crossed a line. You can whatever the hell you want about me but don't ever talk about my girlfriend like that." She growled. "Now get lost creep." She barked.

"But you didn't pay." He whined.

"Well you're lucky I'm not pressing charges for harassment loser." She sneered.

She shut the door as he left and looked at me. "You ok?" She asked.

I smiled. "I am now. Thanks babe. By the way. That was hot." I said winking at her and taking the food. I kissed her cheek and we spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching "crazy, stupid.love" it was an amazing night.

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