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(Santana's P.O.V.)

It was 9 in the morning when I shifted on the couch. I was so comfortable. Not cold at all. Why? Because my adorable girlfriend was cuddled up in my lap sleeping with her head on my chest. I mean come on, let's be honest. These fun bags are the worlds greatest pillows.

Anyways, I shifted to my side, but I forgot we had fallen asleep on the COUCH not the bed.

After I moved I heard a huge crash, followed by the blanket being ripped from me.

I heard dani scream as she was launched off the couch due to my flipping her when I turned. My eyes shot open and I jumped off the couch dropping on my knees to where she was on the floor holding back tears and clutching her arm.

"OHMYGOD! Dani I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I inquired.

"It's ok San. you didn't mean t-AHH! Ow! Ow " her eyes squeezed shut and she held her arm closer as a tear rolled down her cheek. She clenched her teeth in pain and sucked in a short breath before sniffling.

"It hurts really bad San." She sobbed showing me her arm.

"Lemme see baby." I said taking her arm.

Her arm was purple and it looked dislocated at her elbow. Her breath hitched when I touched it, she was obviously in a lot of pain.

"Dan honey, I think it's dislocated." I said looking at her sympathetically. "Come on ill take you to the hospital." I said attempting to get her to stand up. She winced and looked down at her ankle that had a fair sized gash in it from the table.

"Oh my god dan I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot this is all my fault." I said holding my head in my hands and cursing at myself.

"Baby it was an accident. I just don't think I can make it to the hospital. It hurts really bad. Can I just sit here?" She begged looking into my eyes. A tear fell down her cheek and she pouted.

"I don't know dan.... How bad is the pain on a scale from 1 to 10?." I said skeptically.

"Pshhhh it's a 4 at best." She said non-convincingly. She went to stand and collapsed on the floor howling in pain.

"God you look so cute right now." I said with a stupid smile on y face. I smacked my forehead. "Right not the best time" I said to myself as I bent down and scooped up Dani's legs. "Put your GOOD arm around my neck dan." I said looking down at her.

"Santana I'm too heavy. Don't worry about it I'll be fine." She smiled up at me.

"Fine. Don't cooperate." I said scooping her up easily. Her arm slid around my neck and she laid her head on my shoulder. I could feel her crying a little again. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my keys. I made dani hold them as I rushed to the car.

I placed dani in the passengers seat and reclined it so that she was more comfortable. I buckled her up and ran to the drivers side. I started the car and sped off towards the hospital. "Hold on babe we are almost there." I said looking over at her.

"San calm down it's not like I'm dying." She said sarcastically before sticking her tongue out at me.

"I know but still. I'm worried." I said frowning out of the window.

"I know. But I'll be fine San." She whispered before looking out of her own window.

I pulled into the parking lot and scooped her up. I ran to the entrance and kicked open the door. Startling a few dozing attending nurses on brake. I placed her gently in a wheel chair and signed her in. I explained what happened and waited for the doctor to call dani in.

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