Kurts delema

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(Santana's P.O.V.)

"Alright I'll see you in a bit baby," I said winking as I quickly scrambled to put my skinny jeans back on."

Dani giggled from the bed, she sat there under the sheets smiling at me, it was so cute.

"Okay but hurry up tana I wanna watch a Christmas movie or something. OOH CAN WE WATCH RUDOLPH!?" She said her eyes shooting open looking at me with an excited expression.

"Haha sure dani. Anything for you." I said planting a small kiss on her forehead before she pulled me back down for a long kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?" I said smiling.

"You missed the first time." She chuckled and winked at me as I left the apartment.

"Jesus Kurt this better be an emergency." I mumbled to myself.


"SANTANA OH MY GOD THANK GOD YOURE HERE YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" Rachel shrieked at me from her "room". I was worried now. I ran to her room an threw open the curtains to see a shirtless Kurt, I fell to the floor laughing.

"YOU GOT A TATTOO?!." I gasped between fits of laughter.

"DIDNT THINK YA HAD IT IN YOU LADY HUMMEL." I said gasping for air I was laughing so hard.

"Take a closer look Santana." Quinn said smirking trying to hold back her own laughter.

I read the tattoo ... 'It's get better'

"OH MY GOD." I said I was now laughing so hard my eyes were tearing up.

"It was supposed to say it gets better, the guy screwed up." Kurt said flatly glaring at me from his spot on the bed.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK." I spat out laughing again. When I finally calmed down Kurt had locked himself in the bathroom.

"C'mon Kurt it's not that bad." Rachel said.

"Yes it is." Me and Kurt said in unison.

"UGH IM GOING BACK AND HES GONNA FIX THIS." Kurt said throwing the door open and storming out of the loft. The second he left me Rachel and Quinn were on the floor laughing again.


"Yeah it's get better." I said chuckling as dani collapsed.

"Oh my god babe that's awesome what did he say?" She gasped.

"He stormed out and demanded he was getting it fixe-" I was interrupted by my phone buzzing.

"FROM KURT: Hey got it fixed now it says it's bet middler, and check this out he gave me a free peircing.!! "

I clicked the attached photo and I dropped my phone.

"What's wrong?" Dani said.

I couldn't respond, I just cracked up.

She picked up my phone and started howling with laughter. "HE GOT HIS TONGUE PEIRCED!!?"

I took a deep breath and responded to him.

"He's never gonna live this down." I said to myself wiping away the water from my eyes.

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