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i sighed, getting out of my car, stepping onto the dark, cold cement of the school car park.

i chucked the keys to my audi into my bag and slipped my phone into my back pocket, tugging my jeans up as i walked towards the main school.

sixth form. i walked towards the door, a girl holding it open for me with a smile.

"oh, thank you." i spoke gratefully, as i didn't know the code and wasn't really fond of the idea of waiting outside the door awkwardly until someone else  came.

"i'm lydia, are you new?"

"yeah, i'm madison."

"i think we might be sharing a dorm. i'll take you to the office."

"okay, thank you." i smiled, following her as she led me around a corner.

"hi, miss. this is madison."

"hi, girls. good morning." the lady sat calmly behind the desk spoke, a welcoming smile on her lips.

"madison white?"

i nodded and she continued, "so, here's your timetable." she handed me a colourful sheet, "you're in miss charles' form, and you're sharing a flat with lydia." she motioned towards the strawberry-blonde girl beside me.

"thank you." i nodded.

"i'll take you to our flat quickly, then we can go to form." lydia offered and i followed her for a few minutes to the block.

"we're on floor four." lydia said, opening the door and leading me into the open plan living room and kitchen.

"um, this is my room," she motioned to one of the bedrooms, already filled with her stuff, "and this is yours. here's a key." lydia said, handing me a key, which i put in my bag along with my car keys.

i walked into the room, a double bed pushed up against the far wall, a desk and large wardrobe against the other walls, along with a door to an ensuite.


i nodded, slowly walking to the teacher's desk, as lydia sat down and started talking to who i presumed were her friends.

"i'm miss charles. please take a seat next to lydia. your lessons start at nine, and are forty-five minutes long each. every day, you'll have two periods, a thirty minute break, two more periods, an hour and a half long break for lunch, then three more periods, taking you up until quarter past four. at lunch and when you have free periods, you may leave school premises."

"thanks, miss." i smiled, sitting down.

"hey," lydia spoke, "this is tia, shannon and ellie."

the three girls hugged me and i hugged back, a little surprised but glad, and they asked me a few questions about myself.

"have you recently moved here?"

"yeah. how long have you guys been here?" i asked.

"three years." -lydia.

"two years." -tia and ellie.

"one year." -shannon.

we continued to talk for a few minutes, as i got to know a bit about the girls and vice versa, our conversation getting cut off by miss calling the register.


"okay, guys. have a good day, i'll see you all tomorrow." miss said kindly as everyone stood up, grabbing their bags.

"madison." she called and i walked to her desk as everyone started going to lessons, "i hope everything goes okay. if you're unsure of anything, just come and speak to me. i'm a pe teacher, so just come to the sports department and i should be there. enjoy your first day." she smiled.

"okay, thanks, miss." i nodded, following the last kids out.

"hey." lydia said and i smiled gratefully at her for waiting, following her down the corridor, "what subjects are you taking?"

"um, english, criminology and french, you?"

"english, psychology and german." lydia said, gently taking my timetable from my hands, holding it next to her own, "we have english together, i have psychology when you have criminology, and i have german when you have french, so i can help you find the rooms for everything."

"thanks." i smiled.

lydia stepped a little closer to me, her gaze shifting to the floor as she walked past a tall, dirty blonde boy dressed in black.

i found myself momentarily unable to draw my eyes away from him, my gaze following his slim body as he walked, my head turning back to look at him.

"madi." lydia spoke softly and i drew my attention away from the boy. "we're here."

a.n. hii :)

so, the photo at the top^ is madison, and every chapter will have either a photo of her or simon

please vote and comment and all that stuff 💗

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