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i yawned, following lydia to form, chucking the peel of my banana into the bin as we entered the room.

"morning." tia mused at the sleepy state of us and i smiled back.

"hi." i said softly to her, ellie and shannon, taking a seat next to lydia.

"who's he?" i mumbled to lydia as we sat at the back of the room in english, period 3. i discreetly motioned the boy dressed in all black from yesterday entering, watching him as he sat in the row in front of us.

"oh, um, that's simon minter. he's captain of the boys' football team, i'm surprised he wasn't in your pe lesson yesterday."

"oh. well, he wasn't in english yesterday, so maybe he bunked some lessons." i suggested and lydia nodded.

"probably. he's known for being the bad boy."

"who're they?" i asked, motioning to the two boys sat either side of him.

"josh and jj."

"the one with the beard, josh, is in my criminology class, i think, and jj was in pe yesterday." i said.

i jogged out onto the football pitch in period 4, sighing with relief when i saw the familiar balls.

this morning i'd had double french before break, one period of english, and now pe.

"hey, madison." miss charles smiled, beckoning me over.

i ran with the ball, noticing simon ahead of me and i bit my lip, running clear of him. not just because he was the captain of the boys team so evidently their best player, but also because i wasn't sure of him. lydia wouldn't even look at him when he walked past her, and that made me wonder who he was, and what he'd done.

my rambling thoughts were cut off when i noticed the goal only a short way in front of me, the boys' goalie, who i learned was called tobi, the only person in front of me.

i kicked the ball into the far corner of the net, a smile breaking out on my face when i scored, my team cheering as all the boys sighed.

"how did you clear us all so easily?" a boy whined, jogging next to me as i headed towards the changing rooms.

after my goal, it was the end of the lesson and we were all going to get changed.

i looked up with a sheepish smile and noticed the boy's bright blue eyes, "um, i don't know, really."

"you're so good." the boy complemented, "i'd never seen you before yesterday, are you new?"

"thanks, and yeah." i nodded, sipping from my water bottle.

"i'm harry." he smiled.

"madison." i mumbled, "bye."

"okay, see you later." harry said, walking into the boys' changing rooms as i walked into the girls'.

i walked into criminology after lunch and saw harry sat next to josh.

i flashed him a small smile which he returned, before sitting down at the back next to kara, the goalie for the girls' football team.

"hi, madi." lydia chirped, walking into the kitchen where i sat at the counter, just finishing my homework.

"hey." i smiled, closing my books and dumping them into my bag.

i walked to the fridge as lydia took my previous place, and i got out some food.

"do you like carbonara? it's one of my specialities." i grinned.

"i love pasta, but don't you need to do work?"

"my last period was a free, so i just came back here and completed my homework." i stated, starting to make the food.

"this is so yummy." lydia mumbled.

"thanks." i chuckled, twisting some pasta on my fork.

"oh, there's a party on friday. do you want to come?" lydia asked.

"who's is it?"

"i'm not sure, but most of our year are going."

"yeah, okay." i smiled and she squealed.

"yay, we can get ready together!"

a.n. we'll get to simon soon dw 💕

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