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"hi, madison." harry smiled as i walked out onto the pitch.

"hey, harry."

"louisa!" i called and she smiled, passing the ball.

i looked up, harry only a few metres in front of me, and i managed to get around him skilfully, leaving him to whine behind me.

i passed the ball to olivia, allowing her to score, and i cheered, sticking my tongue out at a pouting harry.

today was friday.
while playing football this week, i'd become friends with most of the girls on the team, and spoken to some of the boys.

"madison, are you going to ethan's tonight?" harry asked and i walked alongside him.

"yeah, i'm guessing you are?"

harry nodded and turned, evidently looking for someone.

"minter, airey!"

"sup, harry." the other tall boy said happily, and i noticed a hint of a scottish accent.

"hey." simon said, jogging over to us, allowing his eyes to flicker to me.

"callum, simon, this is madison." harry motioned to me, the two boys' gazes now fixing on me.

simon nodded, "hi. are you new?" he spoke clearly and softly, his eyes blue and piercing.

"you're pretty good." callum added.

"yeah, and, um, thanks. you too." i smiled and a small smirk found its way onto simon's lips.

"see you tonight." harry smiled.

"yeah, bye." i said, the three of them wandering into the changing rooms, callum giving me a small wave.

"mads, what are you wearing?" lydia asked, wandering into my room.

"um, probably this.." i said, retrieving the black dress from my wardrobe to show her.

"ooh, that's so nice!" she squealed, tracing her fingers along the dark material. "my dress is probably gonna be baby pink."

i smiled, "are you good at curling hair? i don't have the patience to do it all myself."

"yes! i'd love to curl your hair. are you any good at makeup? i'm terrible." lydia whined.

"yeah, i love doing makeup." i nodded and she hugged me before hurrying back into her room.

i followed lydia into the hall, ellie, tia and shannon immediately hurrying over to hug and complement us, which we returned with smiles.

i gazed around the room and made eye contact with kara, noticing a few other girls from the football team around her.

"i'm just gonna go say hi." i told lydia, motioning to the girls, and she nodded.

"okay, have fun. see you in a bit." she smiled.

"hey." i spoke softly, approaching the group.

"mads! you look lovely." louisa squealed, pulling me in for a hug.

"thanks, you too." i smiled, hugging all the other girls as complements and greetings were exchanged.

"madison." i spun around and was met with harry's grin, "hey."

"oh, hi." i smiled and hugged him, "hi, cal." i noticed the lanky boy beside him, but i found myself searching for the other tall boy with spiky, dirty blonde hair.

finally spotting him at a table with who i recognised as jj, josh and tobi, i pulled my eyes away and looked back to harry and cal, friendly smiles on all of our lips as i blushed lightly, hoping they hadn't realised what i'd just been doing.

"you okay?" harry asked softly.

"yes, thank you." i spoke, nodding.

"i'm gonna get a drink." cal motioned.

"me too." i said, harry and i following him.

"here you go, footy." harry grinned, passing me a red cup filled with blue wkd.

"thanks. footy?" i questioned the nickname, raising an amused eyebrow.

"you're good, and i reckon you're gonna be captain in no time, so i'm calling you footy." harry explained, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

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