Meet the Parents. 28

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Maxes P.O.V

I pace back and forth in my room, besides my cold bed. The bed that I should be peacefully sleeping in. But no. My mind fumbles with all these question in my mind.

What will I wear?

Will they like me?

What if I spill something on my clothes? Oh God, that would be horrible.

What if they don't want me and Val to be friends anymore? Oh lord, now that would be terrifying. Val's my best friend. I mean I still have Clarence, but it's just not the same. You know?

I sigh as I sit on my bed, and put my head in my hands.

Tomorrows Saturday. The day I meet Val's parents.

It's not even that big of a fucking deal! And here I am! Feeling like a kid, lost in a forest. Ugh, whats wrong with me? I never get this nervous. Like, ever. I met Elliot's parents. So why is is so different to Val's?

Oh God. What if I trigger something? What if I spill something on them? What if I break a plate? Or a bowl? Do they allow swearing? Are they stuck up? Do they expect me to wear a dress? What if they kick me out? What if they h-.

Wait a minute-Max, your over reacting again!

Like any of that is actually going to happen?

It could.

Your not helping!-self conscience!

I didn't intend to.

You know what? I'm going to nuzzle myself back into my beautiful bed, and forget about my worries. It's a one percent chance that any of that is actually going to happen.

A smile spreads across my face and I crawl back into bed, and nuzzle into my pillow, pulling the covers over my shoulders. 

I sigh happily as I shut off my lamp and, nuzzle further into my pillow. The thought of him cloudy my mind once again.


"Max!" A voice groans, from the door way.

I groan, shuffling in my bed. Not wanting to get up, I pull the covers over my head. This feels nice.

"Max! Get up! It's already noon!' The person groans once again.

"It's to early." I grumble, baling the piece of fabric with my fists.

"You leave me no choice Max." The person evilly laughs.


Confused on what the person meant, my grip loosens on the blanket, and it's ripped off of my heated body.

An instant shiver runs through my body, the cold air hitting me like an ice cream truck. But that would be a sweet pain. Stop thinking about food!

Jesus, is that all I think about?

Yes, yes it is.

I curse myself conscience, as I curl further into a ball, trying to conserve the warm air, from getting fully away from me. The fact that I have only a baggy Chainsmokers  shirt, and black spandex shorts, it's not helping my case. Eh, it could get worse.

"Max, get your ass up. You need to get ready." The voice whispers, lowly. And that when I realize who it is, that's in my room. Fucking Val.

Well, nice going Max, you jinxed it. You dumbass.

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