Chapter 11:

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AN: So I know I said I wasn't going to update for a while but I decided to upload a new chapter before going on a study break for a month. I start this semesters finals in 2 weeks so I will be very busy studying. i will however try to write some chapters in advance to upload when I am done with exams (as I won't have time to edit them before) I also had a question for you, If I were to upload an original story (so no fanfic of anything) would you guys be interested in reading it or not? Anyways please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Bondi lifeguards or any other people or names mentioned. I only own Margo, Cole and some other characters I made up and a part of the plot.

The day the new trainee would arrive was finally here. Harrison would be staying with Maxi but as he had to work Jesse and Margo offered to pick him up and show him around Bondi. Margo was excited and slightly nervous, just hoping he was a nice guy and they could be friends. Jesse and her talked excitedly as they waited for the young man to come into the arrivals lounge. Jesse was equally excited as he would have a new teammate and surfing buddy. Margo has made a sign with is name, which was kind of a joke as they had already spoken over Skype and knew exactly what he looked like. After half an hour people started coming through the doors, quickly crowding the area some were talking happily others rushing along or talking on their phones. Jesse craned his neck looking over the swarm of people seeing if he could find Harrison, he smiled down at Margo and nodded when he saw the boy walking towards them, suitcase under one arm and a suitcase rolling behind him. He laughed when he read the sign that said "KIWI, REPORT HERE!" with written in small letters "just Harrison." He waved at them and quickly walked over "Hey Harrison, nice to meet you mate." Jesse said giving him a brotherly hug. They talked for a bit before Harrison turned to Margo opening his arms and engulfing her in a hug. "Nice to meet you Margo, the boys have told me a lot about you." he said smiling "Nice to meet you to, I hope you had a good flight?" She answered smiling up at him "Oh yeah the flight was great, thanks. So what is the plan for today?" "We are going to drop your stuff of at Maxi's place, let you get changed and freshen up and then we wanted to properly show you around Bondi, you know show you all the local hotspots. Not those tourist traps everyone tells you about." Jesse answered while they walked towards the car, away from the busy arrivals. Their day didn't exactly got to plan as they got stuck in a massive traffic jam caused by some accident on the way out of the city. An hour and a half later they were still stuck in traffic and had talked about almost every topic they could think about until Harrison suggested playing an altered version of 20 questions, without all the "f*ckboy" questions just a funny way of getting to know each other. They had a lot of fun and soon made it out of the traffic jam stomachs hurting from laughing so hard and tears streaming down Margo and Harrison's faces.

Once they got out of the traffic jam and dropped Harrison's stuff of at Maxi's place they walked towards Bondi showing all the places to go, and most importantly, the places to avoid. While walking around they looked for a nice place to have lunch before deciding to go to an Italian restaurant just fo Campbell parade. Harrison looked around taking in all the things around him coming to a full stop when they reached Bondi beach. "Wow." he said under his breath smiling brightly "It's beautiful isn't it?" Margo asked joining him in looking across the beach. "Yeah, I mean I had seen it before but knowing that I am actually going to be living and working here gives it a whole other look." he answered smiling down at her. They stayed like that enjoying the view a few more minutes before walking towards Campbell parade and the Italian restaurant that Jesse and Margo loved. Margo had a margarita pizza and some gelato for dessert while the boys went or a healthier option of salad and pasta. During lunch they talked some more about anything they could think of finding they had a lot in common. Harrison was especially intrigued and interested in Margo's blog and youtube channel, immediately agreeing to film a video together about the differences in Australian and kiwi accent or something similar. They were so caught up talking about video ideas and arguing over which country was better that they didn't even notice Jesse staring at them with an inquisitive look, or see Maxi and Matt approach their table. They were both pulled from their conversation when Maxi clapped Harrison on his back leaning forward and laughing at the other boys reaction. "Hey mate, glad you made it. How was your day? Did these two drive you crazy yet?" he said while asking the waitress for a beer. Matt was a lot calmer and sat down while giving a smile and hello. Harrison laughed and shook Maxi's hand answering the questions thrown at him. Soon all 4 boys fell in a comfortable conversation about lifeguarding. Margo didn't take part but just sat back and enjoyed the looks of pure joy and interest on their faces. It was clear to her and anyone around that they absolutely loved their jobs, expressed by the passion with which they spoke. Time passed and somehow they ended up at the bucket list where more lifeguards joined them. It was there that Margo decided to write her next blog post all about the boys in blue. Just as usual, Margo was so caught up in her writing that she had no idea about the things going on around her. She had finished her post about the lifeguards and had moved on to a different post about suicide prevention. She had talked with Jesse and was going to visit the headspace office to see if and how she could work with them. Maybe by making a video or by going to schools and talking about it. While she was writing the posts, Harrison watched her, intrigued by the young girl and the many secrets she probably had. He has asked Jesse and Maxi about her but they only said her Homelife was difficult and that Jesse was looking after her. The rest, they said, he would have to find out for himself. After watching her write for a while longer, he saw she looked at her phone face paling and quickly excusing herself, walking outside leaving the boys alone. Harrison frowned and followed her outside, he shivered as the cold air hit him but pushed it of looking for Margo, afraid she had ran away. He found her on the other side of the road however, sitting on a bench looking at the ocean. Her shoulders were hunched and it looked like she was shaking slightly. He approached her cautiously and sat down next to her putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked up startled and quickly wiped away the few tears that were falling down her face. "Are you okay? Sorry stupid question, whats wrong?" he asked. "nothing, just some stupid comment on my instagram about my recent video. I don't even know why it bothers me so much but I guess I'm just feeling bad today." Margo finally responded. Harrison smiled sadly putting his hand around her shoulder "Don't let one person get you down, I think you're awesome and like the videos and posts you make and upload. There are aways going to be people who hate on you and spread rumors just because they are jealous or just plain mean. Don't think that everyone is like that because one person is." He said trying to cheer her up. Margo smiled and nodded "Thank you, I guess i just needed a little pep-talk. Shall we go back inside? I kind of don't want Jesse or Maxi to know, they would probably tell me to stop with youtube or my blog." Harrison nodded an inquisitive look on his face "what is the deal with them anyway? I mean they care about you a lot but aren't your family and your not a lifeguard either. How did you meet them? If you don't mind me asking of course." he eventually asked looking at he, trying to gauge her reaction. Margo sighed before turning towards him getting more comfortable on the bench. "Well I met them on the beach one day and became friends with them. Both my brothers are away for work so they are looking after me. Jesse and I actually live together at the moment. So he can look after me, I kind of got hit around the head with a surfboard and got a concussion so I wasn't allowed to live on my own." she finally explained not mentioning her parents hoping he wouldn't ask about them. Harrison nodded and hesitated for a minute to ask about her parents but decided to leave it hoping she would tell him when she was ready. Margo smiled when he remained silent, happy that for once someone didn't pressure her into talking about her parents. After sitting outside enjoying the night air and the silence they walked back inside. As soon as the door opened Jesse looked up examining Margo's face to see if she was okay. She looked at him and gave an almost unnoticeable nod smiling slightly. He knew she would explain later if she wanted to.

They stayed for another hour or so before Jesse and Margo called it a night, Jesse having work in the morning and Margo had to start studying properly for her exams. The email with the full requirements would be sent to her the next morning so she was in for a busy day of studying and filing in forms. Margo's birthday was also coming up and she was anxious to find out if her brothers would be able to attend or not.

When they got home Margo explained what had happened, despite her earlier reservations she decided that being honest was better then lying to Jesse about what was going on. She did however reassure him that everything was sorted, the comment having been deleted and the user reported by some friends and other viewers. Jesse nodded before hugging her and cheering her up even more by joking he would set the bra boys loose if anybody bothered her again. Soon after that they both went to bed, tired after a long and eventful day. Margo spent a good hour going over all the things that had happened and relishing in the fact Harrison was so nice to her and the others. She guessed that they had really lucked out with such a nice trainee. He was a lot nicer and smarter then she had initially thought, and especially liked the fact he didn't pressure her about her family and was so quick to defend and cheer her up after the nasty comments of that afternoon. With these thoughts swimming around in her head she fell asleep, a small smile gracing her lips.

I hope you enjoyed! Pleas vote and comment to let me know what you thought! Also if you could answer my question from the beginning that would be really nice. :)


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