chapter 29:

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AN: Hey guys, sorry for the extremely long wait, I found myself a lot busier during the lockdown than I expected. My mum was stuck in a different country and my dad still had to work so I had to do a lot around the house and didn't really have time to write. I've also been ill for the past 3 weeks or so and did not have any inspiration to write. Sorry once again and I hope you enjoy. It's not my best chapter but I felt the story needed a more relaxed filler until I got on with the rest of the story. I don't really know how many more chapters I will write before ending this story but it probably won't be that many.

The first month after Jai's death was hard, very hard. Though Jesse had gone back to work and Margo was busy preparing to go to college in a month's time they often sat down at the end of the day and had a cry session together, still trying to get over their brother/friends death. One of the only good things to come out of the whole situation was that Will was transferred and stationed in Sydney, much safer and closer to home than he had been in years. He was still unable to live at home as he had to be at the base at all times but Margo was allowed to visit him from time to time and whenever he had a free afternoon he would come to the house and they would go to the beach or eat somewhere, or as they mainly did just sat at home talking and catching up. Harrison had ben great giving her a shoulder to cry on or letting her take her anger out on him to then calm her down but also leaving her alone and giving her the space she sometimes needed. He never got angry or stormed out no matter what she threw at him. He walked Toby when she was too upset and tired to get out of bed and held her when she woke up after a nightmare in the middle of the night. Whatever hesitation that Margo and Harrison may have had at the beginning of their relationship was gone, they were happier and closer than they had ever been. Sarah checked in with Margo every once in a while which Margo was grateful for. Sarah was still struggling a lot with her fiancé's death and suffered highly from survivors guilt but she was getting better with the help of her brother and talking to Margo made her feel a little less guilty.

It was exactly one month after the funeral that Margo finally stepped foot on Bondi beach again, closely followed by Harrison who was carrying a bag with their things. Margo had avoided Bondi because of the memories it brought back and all the lifeguards that would continuously offer their condolences, they meant well and she knew that but she couldn't stand listening to more "I'm so sorry for you loss's". It angered her and anger was never a good combination with grief as she had noticed when her mom passed away and she shouted at anyone that tried to get close, limiting the friends she made in America. Cole had been great, giving her the space she needed but also telling her she needed to move on and couldn't wallow in self pity forever, she had screamed at him at first but later, after breaking down crying, again, she realised he was right and it wouldn't bring Jai back nor help her or Will. Harrison had been glad that Cole visited, he had been trying to tell her the same but was to afraid to hurt or anger her as he wasn't as close to her yet than she was with Cole and he didn't want to lose her. He had thanked Cole afterwards as he was leaving and invited him along to the beach hoping this way the two friends could rekindle their friendship which has suffered a great deal in the past few months. Cole joined them quite soon after they had settled down, a bright shirt on his body to match the smile and sunglasses. Margo laughed at his flamboyant dress code but got up to greet him in a flash, a large smile on her face as well. She had missed him a lot and was desperate to have a movie night were they discussed boys, for Cole had been kind of seeing someone as well recently, and just eat junk food until they could eat no more. They picked a nice spot on the beach, close to the lifeguard tower but far enough away they wouldn't disturb the boys. Will would join them after lunch and Jesse, who was working, had told them to come by the tower if they wanted to go for a swim so they could leave their stuff there. They had agreed instantly, knowing there were always bag thieves around and nobody wanted their stuff stolen. It wasn't to busy at the beach as it was a weekday and most kids were still in school, Margo had volunteered to take the bags up to the tower while the other two waited by their towels. The tower was quiet when she walked in and she was happy to see Maxi and Jesse sat at the desk, messing around while also looking at the water to not miss anything. "Hey guys, how's the day going?" She asked as she walked in, smiling brightly at the two troublemakers "Hey Mar! Its been pretty quiet so not too bad." Maxi answered running towards her and engulfing her in a massive hug. He wanted to ask her how she was doing but Jesse had told him not to as she was very annoyed with everyone who continuously asked her how she was doing. "That's good! Well I would love to chat but I have a gorgeous off duty lifeguard waiting for me down at the water. Bye now!" She grinned, especially seeing the two boys reactions to her statement. She giggled as she hurried down the stairs and towards her boyfriend and best friend who were waiting for her by the flags.

Footsteps in the sand * Bondi Rescue*Where stories live. Discover now