Beat them all

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Ryan went into his house as i went into mine. I headed to Emmas room and knocked on the door. Emma opens the door, "Hey." She sniffs.

"Tell me everything that happened." I say as i cross my arms.

Emma pulls me into her room and tells me everything about her new ex boyfriend that cheated on her. "And i still have feelings for him." Turns out Emma has this other popular girl that is enemies with Emma.

"Did he have the same feelings with you when he was with you?" I question.

"He said he loved me but looking at this photo i don't think he meant it." Emma shows me the photo.

"What's his name?" By looking at the photo i can tell this guy got a surprise and the girl kissed him as her friend took the photo and sent it to my sister, this has happened many times to a lot of girls and guys.

"CJ." Emma sighs.

"Seems like I'll be talking to the girl and the guy tomorrow." I hiss.

"Your not going to hurt them are you?" Emma looks up at me.

I smirk, "Of course not, now get some sleep and I'll drive you to school." I say.

Emma sighs, "I'm not a little kid anymore and i'm older than you!" She laughs.

"By a month and i know your not a kid anymore but you like my driving!" I chuckle.

"Not when you drive like a psycho!" We both laugh.

"Okay I'll see you later." I leave her room and go into my own.

I lock the door and went to bed. I lay in bed for a while just thinking of all the ways to help my sister out, every time when someone close to me has a problem i try and help with what i can, when i do i forget all of my problems. My phone makes a noise so i pick it up to see what it was.
I sigh.
<whats up?
>just planning out someone's death, what about you?
<well nothing but fill me in with your plans ಠ_ಠ
I laugh.
>what is that face for?
<haha my evil face! How dare you judge!
> (._.) I'm sorry....
< XD i love using the faces!
> they are fun to use :D
<anyway who's death are you planning?
>yours! Haha
I laugh to myself.
< its impossible to kill your friend!
>wanna bet?
<not really
I laugh.
>my sister was 'Cheated on' but i know some bitch did it, but all she did was make more enemies!
<okay I'll help.
>tomorrow we will talk more about it.
<so glad you said yes for me to help!
>be careful i don't change my mind!
<haha well I'll see you tomorrow.
>are you leaving?
<yeah i need some energy to help you
>makes sense.
<you should sleep too.
>I'm already sleeping!
<how are you texting me?
>magic! Anyway I'll let you get some sleep
<okay! Night!
I turn my phone off and put it on charge before i fell asleep. I get up and get dressed and headed to school.

I looked around at school to try and find CJ, The poplar girl is last to find. Ryan runs up to me and walks with me to find CJ, "CJ!" I shout.

The guy turns around, "what?" He says.

I punch him in the face as he falls to the ground, stunned. "Did you cheat on my sister Emma!?" I grab his shirt tightly.

"No i would never cheat on her or anyone in that matter!" He yells.

I go to punch him but Ryan stops me half way. Ryan pulls me away. "Then why did you kiss that other bitch!?" Ryan helps CJ up.

"I didn't! She kissed me! I didn't know why she did it!" CJ Shouts.

I grab his arm, "come say sorry to my sister and if you love her, say sorry for your actions too!" I pull him to Emma and her friends, "Emma come here please!" I shout. I am so pissed that I'm spitting everywhere.

Emma walks to us, i let CJ go and pushed him to Emma. "I'm sorry Emma Walker...i really do love you." CJ says.

Emma makes eye contact with me then looked at CJ with a smile. "I'm sorry about my sister, she is like a untrained dog sometimes." Emma hugs CJ.

"Now tell me the name of this bitch!" I spat.

Emma breaks from the hug and looks at me and sighs. "Her name is Georgie." She says.

"Okay have fun love birds!" I wave goodbye as Ryan does the same.

"You didn't have to punch the poor guy!" Ryan chuckles.

"It got the job done didn't it?" I laugh.

Ryan laughs, "i don't think i want to know what your going to do with the girl." Ryan says nervously.

"Its called black mail and if things go south I've got you." I look at him as i put my sunglasses on.

"Me? What do you mean by that?" Ryan puts his sunglasses on.

"Your a guy." I groan. "I can't believe I'm about to say this but your hot so the girls will fall for you and then i will do something that works with the plan." I sigh.

Ryan smirks. "So you think I'm hot?" I hit his arm, Ryan rubs his arm.

"I will do anything to make sure this bitch goes down for what she did to my sister!" I say.

"Anything?" Ryan smirks.

I punch his arm. "Dirty fuck." I laugh.

We get to the Georgie girl, she is with all of her friends. "Oh hey Ryan." The girls say, they are trying to flirt already.

"Which one of you is Georgie?" I spat.

A girl walks up to my face but not to close. The girl has black hair with green eyes. "Who's asking?" She snarls.

I smirk, "you hurt my sister and I'm here to hurt you!" I say.

She chuckles, "the guy wanted it." I laugh and punched her in the face. "What the fuck!?" She yells.

"Leave my sister alone and her boyfriend!" I shout.

She holds her face, then punched me. "Slut!" She yells.

"Thats uncalled for....listen bitch if you don't leave my sister alone i will end your life!" I pushed her.

"Fine I'll leave your sister alone but in her replacement i will make you life hell!" She spat.

I smirk, "sure i don't care, i have been through hell so there isn't anything you can do to make my life hell again." I say.

She smirks and goes to kiss Ryan but he moves away, "there is way hotter guys than you!" She walks off with her friends following behind.

"I'm surprised you didn't let her kiss you." We look at each other.

"I don't want to be called a fuck boy anymore." I know it bothers Ryan when he gets called those names but everyone does get bothered by it somehow, but it seems like it's effecting him a lot more.

"Thats understandable." I say, "you just need to find a girl and stick with her or if you turn out to be gay then find a guy to stay with." I smirk.

"Your hilarious." Ryan laughs.

Me and Ryan went back to Emma and CJ. "How did you go?" Emma asked.

I smirk, "she won't be annoying you anymore." Emma hugs me but i didn't hug back.

"Thank you." Emma moves from the hug and leaves with her boyfriend.

I sigh, Ryan looks at me. "lets go make trouble." Ryan smirks.

"Yes!" I say.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, here is Faiths clothing, let me know your thoughts about this book! Anyway I'll catch you all in the next chapter!! Peace out everybody!!! Bye bye!!!!

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