Please I Need You.

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The door bell rings so i walk to it and answered it, "Hey." I say.

"Hey, may i enter the house?" Jason asked, man he looks hot.

"Yeah sure." I allowed him in my house.

We walked into the kitchen, "So what did you want to talk about?" I question.

"Look i know I've fucked up." Jason looks at me.

Willow bumps into my leg, I pick her up. "Is that it?" I pet her.

"I know we haven't hanged out in like two years, i had time to think things through and to make sure my stupid father gets off my back." Is Jason trying to get back with me? What the actual fuck.

"You have a long way to make up for you being away." I place Willow back down.

"So your willing to give me another chance?" Jason questions.

"If Willow likes you than yes, but until then lets not have a relationship." I look down at Willow thats looking at me, "Willow your so damn cute!" I smile.

She lightly barks. "Okay deal, Hey Willow." Jason sits on the ground. Willow runs to him then barks. She eventually sits on him trying to bite his hand.

I hear my phone ringing, i pick it up and answer. "Yo whats up?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you can take care of Olivia." Chris asked.

I sighed, "Fine, bring her over." Willow growls a little bit.

"Okay thank you." Chris hangs up. I suddenly get another call.

"Mum wants to go to the holiday so I'm coming over." Emma says before hanging up.

"Miss popularity over here." Jason chuckles.

"I'll beat your ass." I put my phone down. "I don't know how to take care of a baby." I say out loud.

"Baby's are easy, they are like dogs." Jason stands up with Willow in his arms.

I rolled my eyes, "Its fine Emma can take care of her." I take Willow from Jason then walked to the back door, Jason follows. I place Willow down so she can go to the toilet.

"You know she has legs right?" Jason laughs.

"I know but shes going to be big soon so i might as well make it last." I sigh.

*Jason Pov*
The door bell rings so Faith runs inside, i lean down as Willow runs to me. "Your mama is a very difficult woman." I chuckle, Willow barks, "i think i need her more than she needs me." I sigh.

*Faith pov*
Jason walks inside with Willow following behind, Willow sees me and runs to me. "Hello Jason." Terry snarls.

"Its always nice to see you Terry." Jason says.

Terry passes Olivia to me then gives me the baby things i need. Emma walks through the door as Terry opens the door. "Bye girls, see you around Jason." Terry waves.

Emma walks straight to Olivia, "don't worry Faith i got this." I pass Olivia to Emma.

"Okay thank you." I say.

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