I feel special

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"Faith? Are you sure your okay?" Jason looks down at me.

My breaking point is when the closet people to me dies, then I'll be done for. I look at Jason and i start crying, "i can't handle this anymore." Jason runs to me and hugs me tightly. "I don't know what to do." I cry more as Jason hugs me a little more tighter.

"Its okay Faith." Jason rubs my back, i can hear his heartbeat and its so calming.

"Fuck you for being so tall!" I don't want to talk about my feelings anymore than what i have to.

Jason chuckles, "stop being so short then!" I move from Jason and laughed.

I wipe my tears from my face and sniffed my nose. "your such a dick!" We both laughed. "I need to go to work tomorrow, and i need to give my hard earned money to someone." I grab the clothes I'm going to dress into after my shower.

"Faith let me take care of it, but i need to know if your okay." Jason stops me from walking into the bathroom.

I look at him and sighed, "Jason I'm fine, i cried once and thats all i needed." Two parents i watch die in front of me, i doubt that I'm dealing with this the right way, if there is any.

Jason pulls me into a hug, "all the friends and us are going on a holiday." Jason says.

"I'm not going anywhere without Willow." I cross my arms.

"She's coming with us, Faith lets go on a date tonight." Jason says.

"I have work tomorrow." I just want to sleep.

"Faith, we are going out." Jason smirks, "get dressed." He says.

"What about Willow?" I ask.

"Emma and Grace also Zane are here to take care of her." Jason looks at Willow then me.

"I'm not even hungry." I groaned.

"We don't have to get food." Jason is really trying.

"How about this weekend we go somewhere, like I've never been on a roller coaster before." Jasons eyes widen.

"What have you done with your life?" Jason says.

"Not much apparently, but lets do that for the weekend." I get dressed into my pjs as Jason does the same.

"Okay deal." We get into the bed.

Jason pulls me into a spooning position then Willow sleeps next to me. "Night guys." I say.

"Goodnight." Jasons calm voice is the only thing i hear before he sleeps.

After a while i get up without waking Jason and Willow. I walk outside and sat on a chair. The night sky is beautiful, "Hey Dad." I say. "Its been a while since I've last spoken to you." Some tears fall from my eyes, "so i lost my mother today, everything is different. I'm trying to deal with everything still and I'm trying not to push anyone away but i can't help it, I hope your resting well." I wipe my tears away. I get back in bed and fell asleep.

I wake up being unable to breathe. I look around to see the room is still dark, i went back to sleep. I wake up screaming and hit the air. Jason wakes up, "Jesus Faith, are you okay!?" The dream i had actually felt like i got hurt.

I sit up and held my legs close to me. "I'm not okay, i was never okay. In fact I'm great!" My body rocks back and fourth then suddenly shakes violently. Jason side hugs me.

"Faith babe calm down." Jason says calmly.

"Your right I'm sorry." I sigh.

Jason clicks his tongue, "no I'm not, Faith you need someone to talk to and I'm here for you." Jason turns the lamp on so we can both see.

"Turn it off, i don't want you seeing me like this." I cover my face with the blanket.

Jason moves the blanket from my face. "Don't hide who you are." Jason smiles.

I grab the blanket, "i know this is super girly but I'm really ugly when i cry." Yep definitely girly.

Jasons eyes widen, "who said that? And why are you thinking that!?" Jason moves the blanket.

"Just someone putting me down and made me feel like shit, i guess." I shrug.

Jason sighs, "your beautiful in every way." Jason kisses me.

"I thought being raped and watching my parents die in front of me would mess me up but here i am, in a rich house and with a dog, also a really cool boyfriend thats super sexy." I smirk.

"I like the sounds of that last part, but Faith I'll always listen to you, its time i repay the favour. Faith you need this and all you do is be kind to everyone even if you don't show it." I hate hearing this kind of thing makes me hate emotions more than i already do.

"Okay to many emotions!" I groan.

"Babe i know this is to soon but i love you." He hugs me tightly.

"This is so corny stop! You don't mean it." I pull from him, i know Jason probably said 'I love you' to me before but its been a long while since him or anyone else said they loved me. "No one ever means it." I say.

"Faith i mean it, i really do love you." We face each other.

I study Jasons eyes, Willow gets off the bed and wonders downstairs. We ended up have sex, I'm glad Willow wasn't in the room. I get up and went to find Willow. I found her laying on her other bed. Willow follows me upstairs and on the bed with me and Jason. "I'm sorry that you had to see me like that." I cover my mouth and yawned.

Jason turns the lights off after i stopped yawning. "don't be sorry, at least i know you have some type of feelings." Jason pulls me into a spooning position.

It feels amazing being like this, "Jason i sometimes have feelings, now get some sleep because i don't want to deal with your moody ass in the morning." I chuckle.

Jason laughs, "okay fine, goodnight babe." He tightens the hug or spooning, i have no idea.

"Goodnight." I say. I feel happy again, before i had a whole in my heart but now its full. The years of torture is over and the amount of time i lost with stupid shit, now i can rest.

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The photo up top is one f the guest bedrooms, i also want to say sorry for my spelling and things, the only reason why its like that is because i write late most of the time and I'm still learning different writing techniques. Anyway I'll catch you all in the next chapter! Peace out everybody!! Bye bye!!!!

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