•c h a p t e r 01•

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My hand flies over my mouth as I try and fail to keep my moans to myself

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My hand flies over my mouth as I try and fail to keep my moans to myself. I hold on as long as I can but my body's about to give in to the sensations and with one more thrust, I come undone. The only noise in my house comes from the one loud cry that escapes my lips as I ride it out.

After a few moments, my head hits the pillow thoroughly sedated. A rush of calm takes over me as I sink further back into my mattress, ready to fall asleep. Nothing can knock you out quite like early morning sex.

My eyes slide shut; life, however, had other plans for me. A large man-like figure bursts through my door into the darkness of my room. Jumping up, I scream and search for something to throw. If I'm going down, it won't be without a fight. My hand grabs and throws the first thing it can find at the intruder- which just happens to be my lover.

I'm sorry baby but a girl has to survive.

"Ouch!" My hand stops reaching halfway to the lamp on my table when the lights switch on revealing my neighbor and best friend standing in my doorway, rubbing his shoulder. "What the heck was that, Connie?"

"Michael! What are you doing in my house?" I yelled at him, trying not to drop the blanket that's covering my body.

"Well, woman, I thought you were dying. We share a wall you know and I heard screaming." He said while looking around the room for something out of place signaling there was an intruder other than himself.

My mouth gapes open, trying to figure out how to explain what he heard but unable to.

It's too early for this...

Michael bends over and picks up my purple friend. He looked confused but once he realizes what he had walked in on, he throws my lover across the room and wipes his hands on his jeans.

"You threw a rubber penis at me? God, Constance!"

"It was a reflex." I shrug and fall backward on my bed. I land with a bounce not caring that he broke into my apartment- it's not the first time.

He mumbles curse words under his breath as he looks at his hand, expecting it to fall off any minute.

Michael is just absolutely gorgeous with blond hair and always perfect five o'clock shadow on his jaw. He also happens to live next door to me and allows me to raid his fridge when mine is empty. That alone was enough to grant him best friend status- or possibly even more. The problem isn't his great sense of humor or overly tanned body. It's that he gets more men than I do.

I have loved Michael ever since I caught him checking out the clothes in my closet four years ago. He was pretty embarrassed and that's when he told me he wasn't into girls.

It's a tragedy for women everywhere.

"Please escort yourself out," I say as I roll myself into a blanket burrito. "And turn my light off."

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