•c h a p t e r 17•

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I jump in the car and drive a few towns over

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I jump in the car and drive a few towns over. There's no real reason for me to go that far away except having the need to put some distance between me and a certain someone.

There isn't much to do this far out in the country besides drive. That's why the FBI picked this place.

Any high-profile person in need of immediate protection would be sent to one of the bunkers in each state in remote areas like this. It's quiet, efficient and inconspicuous. The twins had offered to find one of these safe houses long ago for me to stay in instead of sleeping on the streets but it's tricky business hiding under the enemies nose. If they found me here, a hailstorm of agents would rain on us, the city would be blocked off and escape would be a game of luck.

Scissors doesn't deserve to live on the filthy streets, though. I'm not saying she's worth the risk, I simply don't want to listen to her complain.

I pull into a small convenience store and kill the engine.

It's been a while since I was able to walk into a store. Usually I'm homeless, smelly and dropping clumps of mud behind me. It really makes people look away and want to forget ever seeing you. Now that I've cleaned up though, I feel exposed.

"Welcome!" A older man says when I walk through the door.

I nod at him and begin searching the isles. Constance told me to get something but I can't remember what it was. I can still smell her on my shirt and it's messing with me.

The basket fills up quickly as I absentmindedly toss things in. Sure I have some funds saved up to keep me going and I really shouldn't be spending money but returning empty-handed seems wrong. With that last thought, I grab a chocolate bar for Scissors.

"You new around here?" The clerk whose name is Jimbo asks.

"Just passing through."

He scans my items slowly and the way he's avoiding my eyes is suspicious. When he grabs the lady's shirts and chocolates, he finally looks at me.

"Got a girlfriend with you on your travels, I see."

I grunt, "I wouldn't call her that."

Jimbo goes back to scanning quietly, only speaking to give me the total, which is still less than it was sending Scissors in alone.

As I load the supplies in the trunk, I let a grin cross my face. Just thinking about Scissors makes me crazy. Shopping, sleeping, showering... Everything I do, I find myself thinking of her. She's wormed her way under my skin and even though it's wrong, I think I don't dislike her at all.


When I get back to the safehouse, I keep the few extra supplies in the car and only take out the necessities which all go to Scissors.

I'm fully prepared to face her, especially with the peace offerings I have in hand. As long as I keep a safe distance, I won't have to worry about leaning in for that kiss again.

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