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My heart is beating unusually fast

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My heart is beating unusually fast. I know that being the person on a mission is nerve wrecking but having to sit back and listen in from the van is just as stressful; possibly more so because you're nearly helpless.

"Remember what the distress word is?" I speak into the mic.

"Yes, Blume. I know the word but I'm begging you not to make me repeat it unless I absolutely have to." Hans replies subtly as he knocks on Handles door.

Once Nate got the information on Eli's whereabouts, we set phase two in motion. I have to say, for only having 30 hours of planning, our mission 'Retrieve Hobo' is going smoothly. We wired Hans up similarly to how I was, with a pin size camera, a microphone and earpiece although, his ear device goes on the back of his head instead of inside the ear canal.

It's all very techy.

"Fine." I mumble, forgetting to turn on the mic first.

From the other side of the of his mic I hear the door opening and a guard inviting him inside.

"You know, this isn't a terrible idea." Nate says.

"Yeah, unlike some of her other ideas." Nick snickers and then whispers, "Finally scrubbed all that tanning lotion off, I see."

"What do you mean? That was your idea!" I forcefully put the papers in my hand down and glare at him. I busy myself so I can ignore his stupid face and pretend not to remember.

Carefully, I comb through the information Nate hacked from the Police and FBI on the two gangs, Kali and DeLeon. I wouldn't call them rivals per say. They don't cross paths often because they operate in two different parts of Florida but when they do meet, it gets bloody. I'm hoping I can use that fact to my advantage.

Through the camera, we watch a guard lead Hans down the all to familiar hallway. Bad feelings come up and I shove them back down so I can concentrate on finding Luca. Only then will I stop to think about everything that's happened over the lastly few days. The large wooden doors leading into the infamous study opens, revealing the same place I was questioned in, the same place I was strapped to a chair and beat. My breath catches as I begin to remember all the things I have been ignoring. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of fear, being held under water by the monsters in my dreams. My lungs burn, starving for air that I am unable to give them. As if he could read my mind, Michael wraps a hand over mine and gives me a reassuring squeeze. His eyes hold mine in a comforting gaze, bring me to the surface of my panic, reminding me that I'm not alone, not anymore. You're fine. They can't get you. My mind repeats over and over again until I believe it. And then I breathe.

"Müller, to what do I owe the pleasure?" A voice I could live the rest of my life without hearing again sounds through the van.

The study door closes behind Hans as he takes several long strides towards Handle. "As much as I hate to do this, I found some intelligence that I feel I must share with you."

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