Got in Trouble

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               We were returning to our home town. While we are going there,on our way there stopped 2 cars in horizontal direction blocking our way. We were stopped and my dad was blowing horn continuously no one is responding.  When my dad got down and went near the car 2 cars came at our bck and blocked our back ways also. I dont think it is good happening. So i was just praying god to help us. Two members came out of the car and hold my dad's hand by twisting them back and my dad screamed out in pain. My mom suddenly got down and asked me and my sister not to come out. When she got down another member  came and hold my mom hands at back. My sister got down and just locked the door safely.

             While my sister slowly got down standing near the car she asked them who are they. But they didnt answer, suddenly without knowing  a person from the back car started holding my sister's hand but when she however release herself from grip he just punched my sister and she fell down in the road in pain. My  dad  and mom shouted and i am in still in my car don't know what to do. Then from a car he came out , the one who scared me last night and now with the rose boquet which he wanted to give me in the road. He walked towards my car and when  my dad come started to shout a man hitted him in his face. I shouted " Daddy!" In my car.

            I don' t know what to do. He just showed his hand and just signalled one of his men and suddenly he pressed a button somewhere and my car doors opened. I am just filled with fear and when the man opened the door , i didn't come out . But after that the three men  suddenly pointed their guns over my parents and my sister. I don' t have any go and came out of the car. He showed his hand to me and asked me to come near him. I went with slow steps and i am so scared and went near my parents but he showed his hand to stand infront of him.
             When i reached in front of him, he just smirked and gave me the rose bouquet. I didn't do anything but simply standing there without any reaction suddenly his face turned to become serious. When i felt that he is serious and i suddenly got the flower from him.He smiled slightly and started to talk. He said " Hi Madhu, I am Aarya." I am just shocked how did he know my name.

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