Change her.

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Aarya's p.o.v.:

My Madhu didn't gain conscious for one day. Then the doctor came and checked and said " Sir, there are so many injuries and stitches in her body. We can clear it by doing surgery with her own skin and muscles. She can't do anything with her stitches. It may result in very deep problem. If you allow us we can do her a plastic surgery sI that her body will cure fast and she will be in safe side."

I asked him" Plastic surgery? Are you change her face? No I won't allow it?" The doctor said " No,sir. Not face. Since face is safe. Just we are going to replace the tissues which are injured by the normal tissues in her body. It will adapt soon since its her own body tissue." I said " I have to think." Then Zameer said " what's there to think? The doctor said she will be cured fast and her face is not going to change. You brought her to this situation and you have to solve it." I took a deep breathe and said the doctor" Do it. Change her."

I signed in the consent form and they started the surgery after 2 hours. Definitely Madhu will be shocked to see her own body after her surgery. I didn't want her to see the wounds I have made in her. So only I accepted for the surgery. I know she will hate me. But I deserve it.I will not raise my hands against her. She can beat me kill me so whatever she want. But I want her back.

The surgery is going on for 8 hrs and the doctor came out and said " Sir, she is alright and the wounds are closed. It will take some days to repair and we have did the surgery to the scar in her face also. But her face is not changed. Her melanin pigments are removed a lot in her body. She can't be in sunlight for some days. Be careful with that. We also took some fat tissues fron her body to get close to the tissues. She will taken to the normal room now. She can be discharged within 3 days and her bandage will be removed at the 3rd day."

I said " thank you doctor." He said " It's my duty." He went and Madhu was taken to the room. She so still in bandage. I thought now her family can't recognise her and she is changed for me. She is mine and we are going to start a new life. She is unconscious for 2 days and her drips is the only supply to her body. Then the 3rd day came and the day I feared the most and the day her life is changed has come. The doctor came and removed her bandage from her body.

He said the bandage from her face will be removed once she got consciousness. We have to wait until that. Then I went to the doctor room to finian the other formalities.

Madhu's p.o.v:

I felt really paining. Please Aarya don't beat me. He is beating me without stopping. Noooooo........
I woke up and I can't see anything. My face is covered with something. I struggled to know what's happening. I pushed something down. It fell down I think it's a box. Then I felt some pain in my hand I think it's the needle for drips. Suddenly I felt two members holding me. They said " calm down mam.please relax." It's a female voice. She shouted " Doctor." That means I am in a hospital. How i end up here?

Then someone told me holding my hands. " Madhu, listen to me. I am Dr. Lia. You have undergone a surgery to your face. Now you are alright. Now I am going to remove the bandage from your face. So don't move. Just relax." She talked in a sweet caring voice. I didn't say anything. And she started removing the bandage. After removing it, the doctor said " Madhu, it will be painful. So slowly open your eyes. Try to see something.slowly, don't give pressure on it." I opened it slowly and try to see. It's glaring I can't see anything that much clearly and once I got a clear vision of what is infront of me. My eyes widened. It's him, the beast. He is the one who did all this. I panicked and he tries to confront me. He said " Doctor, can I have a second with my wife, please?"
No he is going to beat me again. No. He sat beside me and holds my hand. I jerked it and pushed him but still he holds my hand. He said " I am sorry."

I can't believe what I hear. Is he the one who is asking sorry. Is that all enough to settle what he have done to me. He said " I know you are angry with me. This is how I raised. I will get angry a lot and will punished whoever goes against my wish. I didn't mean to dot hat, Madhu. I really dead these days without you." Days? How many I have been unconscious? God what is going on here?

He said " I promise I won't do this ever. You can beat me and kill me but please don't leave me. I will not hurt you again. I am sorry." I didn't know what to say. I am not in the mood to talk to him. I am too tired and I cant open my mouth too. Then the doctor came inside and took the drips out of my hand and asked me some questions to know whether my memory is good or not. Thank God I remember everything even what he did to me. Then came Zameer My brother. He came inside and saw me and shocked but then smiled. I tok smiled to him and he came besiDr me and said " Welcome back, princess. You made me suffer a lot. You have to regret it." He hugged with care and love. I worried a lot that I don't have a brother but i now I got the most wonderful brother in the world.

Then I got discharged from the hospital. Once I got out the sunlight fall on me and I got handle it. I went inside back quickly. Then Aarya got me an umbrella and I went inside the car. There are sunshields in the car and it protects me from the sunlight. As soon as we reached the mansion I thought again I am going to hell. Aarya opened the door and Zameer accompanied me to get inside. The maids wished me since I got back.

Zameer said " princess, I know you are hungry. I asked the maid to cook you your favourite Arab dishes. So let's dig in." We sat in the dinning table. Zameer sat beside me and Aarya sat opposite to me. It's really shocking that he didn't open his since we got out from the hospital. It will be better if he did that for life long. There are many dishes especially chicken. My favourite shawarma.

         I ate everything since I am so hungry

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I ate everything since I am so hungry. They are so delicious. My stomach is so full. I can't get up also. Oh man why in the matter of food I can't control myself. By taking little steps I went to the room. I went to restroom and took a bath. When I came near the mirror I just shouted.

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