Just a normal day..... Right?

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It was any normal day for Atsushi at the Agency , do some paperwork maybe even go on an assignment. Yeah sometimes Ranpo asked him to get more candy for him, but today would change his life forever.

"Atsushi!" A voice called through out the office.

The boy stood up and walked to where the voice was heard. "What is it Ranpo-san?" Atsushi asked standing at his desk.

"Are you willing to go across to town and get me some more snacks?" Ranpo asked.

Figuring that he'll be able to get away from doing work he happily obliged.

As he walked through town, in search for the little shop Ranpo told him about, the scenery became familiar to Atsushi. He looked around trying to jog his memory, but that's when it hit...... flashbacks from when he was back in the orphanage came flooding in.

"Begone you miserable wretch! You're not wanted! Not here, not anywhere! ...... The world would be a better place if you just curled up and died!" A voice said in his head.

"No..... no...... Just... shut up!" Atsushi yelled not having a care in the world for who ever heard him. He started running as fast as he could, didn't care who looked at him he just started running. He ran passed it all, all the trauma and the pain, but one little voice brought him back.

"Please...... Please stop."

Atsushi stopped in his tracks to see where the voice came from. What he saw in front of him was one little girl on the floor hugging her little stuffed animal, she was surrounded by three kids around her age. He watched as the scene played out in front of him.

"Why... why should we stop, your different from us. Your not normal everyone that's ever been around you knows. You always bring sickness to them." One kid said voice laced with venom. The kid was getting ready to throw a rock at the little girl on the floor, but Atsushi spoke up before he could.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" The kids froze, and ran off afraid because they got caught. The little girl sat on the floor surprised that someone stood up for her.

"Are you okay?" Atsushi asked with concern in his voice. The little girl stood up, slightly sniffling, and walked over to him. As she got closer he saw things nobody would want to see on a kid. Small bruises and cut were left on her arms and legs. Atsushi would have asked how she got them, but didn't want to pry into her personal life. She stuck her hand through the gate and grabbed for Atsushi's hand.

"I'm fine mister, you dont have to worry about me." She said trying to put up a little smile. He was about to ask if she was alright, but a bell interrupted him before he could. They both knew what that meant.

"Sorry mister I've got to go." She took her hand away from the gate and ran off.

Atsushi didn't think about the traumatizing memories he had, he just thought about the little girl, and how they were both alike. Both in the same orphanage, picked and abused by the other kids, and maybe even by the adults. He threw the thoughts aside as he knew he would probably never see her again.

Back at the agency:

Atsushi stopped in front of Ranpo' s desk. "Here you go Ranpo-san."

"Ehhh what took you so long?" Ranpo whined.

"Ahh sorry I kinda got lost on the away" Atsushi said waving his hands in front of him. "That's alright" he said popping a candy in his mouth, " but please don't be here late next time?"

The next day Ranpo ran out of the candy. So Atsushi was asked, once again, to get more candy. So once again, he had to go by the orphanage, once again he would meet the little girl. Hopefully she wasn't being abused like last time..... but that hope soon faded away as he saw the same girl from before, crying sitting on the floor holding her stuffed animal, .... well what was left of it. A arm, a leg, and one of the eyes were missing. There was stuffing every where around her.

"Hey little girl." Atsushi said.

The girl looked up and saw Atsushi, the familiar face slightly calmed her down, but then again they've only met once.

"You're the one from yesterday, right?" She said with a sniffle.

"Yes, but are you alright?" Atsushi asked.

She looked at him with a questioning look in her eyes. No one's ever asked if she was alright, but he did and she didn't know what to answer with.

"Uhh.... do you need help with your doll?" Atsushi asked kind of confused at why she didn't answer.

She looked around at the mess they made and said "How can you help me if it's already ruined?"

"How about I try to fix it a least, don't give up yet." Atsushi said trying to help her.

"Alright..." She said uncertainty. "Promise me."she said holding put her little finger. Atsushi stuck his little finger out in return

She stuffed her arm, along with the ripped apart doll, through the gate and handed it to Atsushi.

"What should I do about this?" She asked looking around at the mess of stuffing.

"Ah give me the useful one's" he said pointing at some that were not in a puddle, or in mud. "I'll try to finish it by tomorrow, so be here by noon or somewhere close to that time" Atsushi said, and she gave a little nod. She went to go get them and come back, as she did so Atsushi had a smile on his face but behind that was a confused face thinking

' how am I going to do this... should I ask Yosano if she could stitch it.... but then she'll wonder why I have something like this. I can just try and stitch it, if that doesn't work my last resort will have to be Yosano. '

Atsushi got the candy, and started his way back to the agency. It was noon by the time he was done with work, he walked along the busy sidewalks of Yokohama, and held the stuffed animal in his hand. He stopped by a sewing shop to get a needle, some thread, and a button. Once he got home he went strait to work, fixing the doll.




So I'm very sorry for have the story start off with the reader being abused, but I promise this'll get better.

For the story in the future I'll have to bring some, or one character(s) age down for the purpose of this story. Hope you don't mind.

This is my first story so I hope you like it.

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