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When Dazai came back from his mission he was beat up badly, he worried both you and Atsushi. Everybody told you two that he would be fine, but it still worried you. The only reason why, was because Yosano wouldn't be able to heal him. Dazai told you himself, that he was fine and that he's dealt worse, so that made you feel a little better. Kunikida said he could have two days off from work so he could heal, but once he came back, a work load was shoved in his face.

A few days after all that, Ranpo got a letter from the Guild about a challenge. Yosano went with him in case something happened. You wanted to go too, mostly to see what the challenge was, and to also see Ranpo use Ultra Deduction. But they wouldn't let you go because if it was actually a trap, then they didn't want to put your life in danger once again. When they came back, Ranpo seemed a bit happy.

~a week after~

"Is it true we have information on how to defeat the Guild?"

"They're coming up with a plan in there right now." Tanizaki answered Atsushi.

"Thanks." Atsushi said then left to the room where Tanizaki pointed too. You followed right behind him, and poked your head into the room just like Atsushi. You two listened in as Dazai spoke to Ranpo.

"This is some amazing Intel." Dazai said with a bit of surprise behind his voice. "How do you suppose we'll be able to use this against the Guild? What if we infiltrated them with a bomb?"

"No way. Our plans will most likely fail if the attack depends on telecom." Ranpo said as he took a sip of a drink he had next to him. Dazai hummed as he thought about Ranpo's answer.

"You're right. What if we leave it to Kenji-kun after the special department storms the place?"

"No good. If we take this battle to land, it'll drag on and we'll just be fighting overtime." Ranpo dug his hand into a brown paper bag and pulled out a glazed donut. The look of it made your mouth slightly drool since Atsushi had to restrict how much sweets you had because he said you've been eating too much.

"That's true." Dazai groaned and leaned back in his chair. "So then I guess it has to be Atsushi-kun?"

"Well it could also work with Light Snow."

"True." Dazai made a paper airplane and held it between his fingers about to throw it. "I'll get right on it." He threw the paper plane and it amazed you because you never seen something like that. "Mountain at the end?"

"Ocean." Ranpo said with his mouth full.

"Got it." Dazai said as he stood up.

Atsushi stared in confusion at the planing between them both, but then he got hit with the paper plane. You, on the other hand, ran into the room, and with the sweetest voice asked if your could have some of Ranpo's donuts. Because he didn't like the taste of the one he took a bite out of, he gave it to you. Although you didn't really want the one he took a bite from, you didn't complain since he doesn't share most of his sweets. 


When the day came for Atsushi's solo mission, you begged him to let you come along too. Of course he said that it would be too dangerous for you. But you still insisted on going, though you made it clear that you didn't want to actually go along on the mission, but just be with him until he had to leave to go onto the Moby Dick. Atsushi said it was fine, but you would also need Tanizaki's permission to go too. He gave you his approval, but he also asked if you were fine with heights. You told him you were, since you have been on the Moby Dick before. And to be honest, you were quite excited to be going into the air. But before all that excitement, was a long car ride.

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