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The next day you came in the director asked to see you. Atsushi came with you, seeing as you were still young, and probably wouldn't understand what he would be asking of you.

"As you know you took that test yesterday. Normally we would give test out to see if you can complete them. Then if you passed, you would officially be one of the agents here. But seeing as your young, you would have a choice to join, if you want that is. Atsushi here would also have to give his consent. You would be given training on how to use your ability, you would be allowed to go on mission's if you want, of course they won't be that difficult, and lastly you would be paid for your contribute, it would probably go to Atsushi though." The director said looking at you. You took it all in and thought.

"Can I think about it?" You said putting a finger on your chin.

"You can take as long as you want, there's no rush on you." He said taking a sip of his tea.

"Ok!" With that you got off the couch and said "bye bye" you did a little bow and left, Atsushi followed behind you. He also wonder what you would say to this. You sat down and began to think, soon you fell asleep on some paper. It wasn't important paper... well if you counted some files important, then you should've probably moved them. Atsushi looked over at you and smiled, the saw what you were sleeping on, he sweat dropped, that was the files Tanizaki was looking for. Carefully he lifted your face, and the papers came up with you.

' Oh no their stuck on her face, what do I do?! ' Atsushi yelled in his head. He kept a smile on his face, which probably looks weird to some people. Mostly because he was holding your head up and he was smiling. ' what if I carefully rip it off? ' And that he did, waking you up in the process.

"Hmm? Wat the matter nii-chan?" You asked still sleepy. Then you noticed the paper stuck to your face. Not even a second thought and you ripped it off your face. There was some drool on it, but it wasn't that bad. "Oops, sorry."

"I-it's ok. You know Tanizaki-san has been looking for these for a while now" he chuckled and continued "who would've thought they would be under your face? Come on let's go give it to him." He grabbed you hand and led you to a panicking Tanizaki.

"Oh god what am I gonna do if I can't find these files?!" Naomi shook her head.

"Uhh Tanizaki-san?" Atsushi tapped his shoulder.

"Hmm? Yes what is it?"

"Well we found these files you have been looking for-"

"Really?! Thank you!" He grabbed them and asked "where were they?"

"Well you see (y/n)- chan was sleeping on them." Tanizaki looked at you confused, then began to laugh.

"Really? Well thank you for finding them." He ruffled you hair, and turned back around. ' hmm what's this? '

You two went back to Atsushi's desk, that question still bothered you. You really wanted to control your ability, but you were kinda scared to go into mission's. Finally you made you your mind.

"I'll be back Atsushi-nii." You said getting up.

"Ok, where you going?" When he went to look at you, your were gone. Quickly you burst through the directors door, he almost did a spit out his tea from this sudden outburst.

"I have my answer."

"Really what is it?" He said putting his tea down.

"I'm gonna join!" You happily said. This brought a smile to the directors face.

"Come on let's go tell them." He got up and grabbed your hand leading you out of the office. "Ahem" (is that how you spell it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) he got everybody's attention, and they looked at you two. The feeling of them all looking at you wasn't very nice, but you knew it was going to be all over soon. "I would like to announce, as of today, (y/n) Nakajima is now apart of the Armed Detective Agency. I would like all of you to make her feel at home here." They all clapped, making you feel happy.

"Wow (y/n)-chan your the youngest person ever to be in the agency,a nd I'm only a few years older than you!" Kenji said. (Honestly I don't know when Kenji joined so Imma just make you the youngest)

"Really?! Cool!"

"Alright, now that you work here, I'm going to assign you someone to start training with you." The director looked around in search of someone. "Dazai come here." Of course he would pick Dazai, he wasn't doing anything, and he has trained some people before anyways. Said man got up from the couch and made his way over to you and him.

"I want you to train her in using her ability. Atsushi I want you to go with them."  The director said.

"Ok. Come on (y/n)-chan." Dazai said, you and Atsushi followed right behind him.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"To the roof of course." Dazai said smiling at you.

"There's a roof?!" You yelled. Dazai and Atsushi gave a little chuckle. Once you three made it to the top Dazai asked one question.

"You said your ability only comes out with emotion, right?" You nodded your head. The urge to look over the edge of the building, was real bad, but you know that you have to listen to Dazai first. Dazai made his way over to Atsushi and whispered something in his ear.

"Ok! Tell me was there any fun memories you had when you were in the orphanage?" Dazai asked.

"I mean there was this one lady she was really nice to me. She read me books sometimes. Whenever I got in trouble she would be there for me. Oh! She would also sneak me some candy that she had. It was fun with her. But then she stopped coming for a while, turns out she got in trouble. Never told me why though." You said, giving some glances to the edge. The air around them turned into a sweet smell, and Atsushi knew what was happening. Again they whispered to each other, Dazai soon made a motion for you to follow him. He led you to a small shack that was up there. Inside there was rope, tools, chairs, and a few other stuff.

"Ok, why we are in here is because we need a closed space for your ability. Now I'm gonna ask some questions about you." Dazai said sitting down in one of the chairs, you two did the same. This went on for quite some time, and your ability did come out, but it felt more like a therapy session then training.


The next day you did the same, Dazai you and Atsushi went up to the roof to "train" well that's what you thought.

"Alright since your gonna be in the agency were gonna need to teach to how to fight." Dazai said.

"Really?! I've always been told to not hit someone." You said a bit scared.

"Well today will be your first day hitting someone on purpose." Dazai grinned. The next few days you did that same thing, you've gotten pretty good at it too. I mean there's no law that says little kids can't learn to fight or defend the selves, right? Dazai thought about this a lot once he started training you.



This one was not that interesting, but I promise the next one will be :)

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