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Once again, work is as tiring as ever. It's like a never ending cycle, is what you wanted to call it. Never ending paper work, never ending meetings, and never ending stress. But even though everyone was tired and stressed, they seemed happy for some reason. You didn't know why, but you thought maybe it was because the whole incident with the Guild was calming down. That wasn't the case though.

As you were walking past the locker room for the members, you heard Tanizaki mumbling something.

"What's the matter Tanizaki-kun?" You asked as you walked into the room. He slightly jumped and turned to face you.

"Oh, it's just you [Y/n]-chan." Tanizaki sighed in relief. "Well anyways, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"I was just trying to figure out what I will make for dinner tonight. I just got my paycheck, so I was thinking of making something nice." Tanizaki explained.

"You should make.... Actually I don't know what you should make."

"It's alright," Tanizaki patted your head, "I'll figure out something."

"Ok!" As Tanizaki was about to turn back around you asked, "Also, what's a paycheck?"

"Huh? You don't know?" Tanizaki looked puzzled but at the same surprised.

"Nope." You shook your head. "So what is it?"

"U-um well basically it's money we earn for working here, and we get one every month. Did I explain that right?" Tanizaki said the last part mainly to himself.

"I think I get it now... So because you work here, you get paid?"


"Does Atsushi-nii get one?"





"Yes, him too. Though I don't think he knows how to use it."

"Does Naomi-chan get one?"

"Yup, and we share that money, so we have a little more than the rest."

"So everyone gets one. Do I get one?"

"You should because you're an employee here."

"Then shouldn't I also get an envelope like that?" You pointed to the little envelope in his hands.

"Yes." Before Tanizaki could continue talking, you quickly ran out the room. "But... Atsushi-kun should be the one to receive it." Tanizaki finished even though you were not in the room. "Well she's probably going to him anyways." He said to himself, then went back to thinking about what he should make for dinner.

"Atsushi-nii!" You ran up to his/your desk, and immediately he looked over at you.

"What's wrong?"

"Do I get a paycheck?" Atsushi was kind of surprised that you asked that question. In all honesty he thought you knew.

"Of course you do. Don't you remember? The director told you about it when you decided to join." You tried thinking back, but nothing came up.

"I can't remember."

"Well the director said that if you joined you would also get paid. Though it does go to me, so maybe that's why you forgot."

"Why does it go to you?"

"Because I'm older."

"Aww that's no fair. Kenji-kun gets his though."

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