2nd Christmas Special + A/n

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"Chuuya-san, Christmas is coming up soon right?" You asked as he braided your hair for the night.

"Yes. Why are you asking?"

"Can we have a Christmas party?" You excitedly asked.

"I don't know about th-"


"..We'll see about it." Chuuya said with a sigh.


~next day~

Once you woke up you went over to Mori's office to talk to him about the Christmas party you want to throw.

"Come in." You heard as you just finished knocking on the office door. "Ah [Y/n], what are you doing in here?"

"I came to ask if I can throw a Christmas party?" You asked hoping he would say yes. Elise, who was laying on the floor drawing, shot up with sparkling eyes.

"Why ever would yo-"

"A Christmas party? That would be so fun! Can we do it Rintarou? Please?" Elise begged.


"Please?" You also asked. Mori sighed and complied to your wish.

"..Alright then. I will lend you a big room to put your party in."

"Yay! Thank you!" You left Mori's office and went to Q's room. "Hey guess what I'm gonna be doing."

"What is it?" Q asked.

"I'mma be throwing a Christmas party." You happily said.

"Really? That's cool."

"Yup. And no you're not gonna stay in this room 'cause you don't wanna see everybody else." You said with a smile.

"Why not?" Q hated everybody in the Port Mafia, and being around them made it even worse.

"Because. I wanna spend that time with you and everybody else. I don't mind if you keep to yourself or stick with me, I just want you to at least enjoy it without being stuck in this room all the time." Q blushed at what you said.

"F-fine. But only because y-you said." Q stuttered.

"Thank you!"

"Y-you're welcome."

"Well, Christmas is only a couple weeks away so I need to start planning this out. Wanna help me?" You asked him.


"Ok then. I need paper and a pencil 'cause we're gonna make a list." Q gave you some paper and a crayon that was lying around. "First things first, we need a tree, some lights and ornaments... Oh food and drinks too!" You wrote them down and Q stared at you.

"Is that it?" Q asked.

"Probably not, but..... I just got an idea!" You said as you started writing something down.

"What is it?" Q asked as he tried looking over your shoulder.

"We're gonna do a gift exchange!"

"What's that?"

"It's where you randomly pick a name out of a hat. And the person you get, you have to get them a present. Oh but you can't say who you have or it ruins the secret." You said and then finished writing.

"Oh ok. Well what have you been writing this whole time?"

"The names of people." Since there wasn't any scissors in his room you decided to rip them apart and then fold them in half.

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