It all started from shaved ice

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The agency was always known to be especially hot when summer comes around. No matter how much the air conditioner is used, nothing changes. Not even the small fan that sat on Atsushi's desk that faced you both.

"Atsushi-niiii, it's so hooottt."

"I know, but-"

"I want shaved ice!" Ranpo demanded from his desk.

"Shaved... Ice?" Kunikida asked.

"That'll be great!" Kenji exclaimed as he thought it over.

"Why don't we head down over to Uzumaki? I heard they've started selling it there." Yosano said as she fanned herself.

"Nooo that's not what I mean Yosano-san! I want shaved ice from a beach hut!" Ranpo whined.

"Umm... What's a beach hut?" Atsushi asked.

"It's a store by the sea where they sell food and drinks. Oh and beach toys too. Is this your first time hearing about it Atsushi-kun and [Y/n]-chan?" Yosano asked.

"I've heard of it." You said.

"No. The only place I really knew was the orphanage..."

"Ok then... Why don't we all go to the beach together?" Dazai perked up at this.

"Yeah let's go! I could try multiple suicide methods there."

"Dazai-san no..." Even though you said this in a soft tone, he still heard you.

"Aww, well because [Y/n]-chan said so I won't die today. But I can't make any promises that I won't attempt." Dazai said.

"I'm gonna create the biggest sand castle the world has ever seen!" Ranpo said with joy.

"You guys can't go to the beach during your summer vaca-" Kunikida started to say, but was then interrupted by Atsushi.

"Kunikida-san.. it seems like Ranpo-san has made up his mind. He's already getting his stuff ready."


"As you can see, we'll be going to the beach. How about you?" Yosano asked.

"Wait! According to today's schedule, paperwork needs to be done. In the evening there will be discounted eggs at the sto-"

"Yeah, yeah. But done of that has to do with us right? Besides everyone is in the mood to go. Plus nothing's really happened, and there's not much to do around here."

".... Alright, I'll go.... And there'll be an ideal schedule for this yeah trip."

"That was quick." You mumbled.

"Going to the beach together is going to be fun!" Kenji said.

"Yeah!" You exclaimed. Just thinking about what you could do, made you more eager to go.

"What's going on in here?" Tanizaki asked, as he came through the door with Naomi clinging to him.

"We're going to the beach." You said running up to him.

"We are?!"

"Yeah!" Kenji replied.

"Yay that means I'll get to see brother's-" A hand clamped over Naomi's mouth.

"Huh? You'll get to see his what? Oh swimsuit! Yeah I wanna see everybody's too!" You said. Everybody I'm the room sweatdropped, and Atsushi sighed in relief that your innocence was still there.

"Yeah his swim suit that's was she happy for." Atsushi said. "Oh speaking of swimsuits." Atsushi tried changing the subject now. "Me and [Y/n]-chan don't have one."

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