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As night passed and soon became beautiful skies of blue, so did the time until you had to leave. But it was a good thing you didn't have to leave until the afternoon.

You never really stayed in your room. You were always somewhere, either training, or in someone else's room. Currently you were in Gin's room, and it brought back memories of when you first came here. Although some were terrible, you chose to remember the good ones.

"[Y/n] I want you to know, that there will be many outcomes. And I will try and protect you from most of the bad ones, but it's gonna be your responsibility on what happens with you." Gin said.


"Are you scared?"

"A little."


A knock came from the door making both of you turn in its direction. Gin got up and opened the door to see Hirotsu standing there.

"Come on, it's time." Gin nodded, and you got up from your spot to follow them to Mori's office. Tachihara was already there waiting for you all, while also being bombarded with questions from Mori asking if Elise would look good in this one dress he bought her.

"Boss they're here." Tachihara sighed in relief as he saw you three walk through the door.

"[Y/n]-chan come here would you?" You did as asked and stood in front of him. "Stand next to me ok?" You nodded your head and stood next to him facing Gin, Tachihara, and Hirotsu. "As you all know you'll be taking [Y/n]-chan with you, she has been training well enough that she'll be of some use to you all. If anything were to happen to her you would all be at fault. Now on with your mission, lately we have been seeing a few suspicious people lurking around the building. Although they seem to not harm anything or anybody, they could be counting down the days until so. What I want you all to do is, find them, follow, and kill them." You knew this is what the mafia does, yet the way Mori said kill, sent shivers down your spine. "With that you may leave, but please stay for a little while longer [Y/n]-chan." The three in front bowed and took their leave while you stayed by his side.

"Why does she have to go Rintarou?" Elise asked from the other side of Mori.

"Do you not want her to leave?"

"No, what happens if she dies? She's the only other kid that's a girl. And he  hasn't been allowed out since that man  put him in there." Elise said as she put her hands on her hips.

"[Y/n]-chan won't die, don't worry." Mori turned to you and said. "You're strong right? And you've got the Black Lizards there with you." Elise pouted a little but then put her pinky out in front of you.

"Promise you won't die."

"Alright." You swore. "I promise."

"Ok now that that's settled, I wanted to tell you that if you are ever asked to use your ability, you must follow their command, got it?" You nodded. "Ok now go kill your first person."

"No." You walked out of his office and saw Gin waiting for you.


"You five, follow them!" Tachihara ordered as four people dressed in black ran away.

"Have you found anything suspicious around?" Hirotsu asked as three underlings stood in front of him.

"Yes, there is a vent that appears to have no cover on it. We would suspect that they have messed around with it." One of them said.

"Show us where it is." Hirotsu said. The three men led the way with Hirotsu and Tachihara behind them, and you were sightly hiding behind Tachihara. Gin was somewhere above you all getting a overhead view. She was there to assassinate anybody that seemed suspicious.

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