Chu chu train!

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It has been well over 5 days, and you knew pretty much on how to defend and fight. You had one more day of training until you were off for a few days, it would be to rest a little too. You and Atsushi walked through the office door and was greeted by Kenji, and Ranpo. You left Atsushi side to go with Kenji, he showed you some plant inside of a clay pot.

"Atsushi have you seen Dazai anywhere?" Kunikida asked.

"No, what's the matter?"

"He was supposed to be here an hour ago..... he's probably floating in a river again. " Kunikida sighed.

"What if he's in jail?" Kenji said looking over at them.

"My guess is he's with a woman." Ranpo said.

"What if he just over-slept? You never know." You said shaking your head.

"But the Port Mafia.... their out there." Atsushi complained.

"His vitality and ability to sense danger are of nightmarish proportions." Kunikida sighed.

"He is still so full of energy after trying to commit suicide all those times, after all." Kenji said. "Oh look there's a ladybug (y/n)-chan!" Kenji put it on your finger, and you quickly, but carefully, walked over to Atsushi to show him.

"It's very unlikely the Mafia would get him." Ranpo said eating a candy. You've been told about the Mafia many times, but most of the times you keep forgetting about them.

"If you want I can look into it." A voice said from behind. Atsushi, he turned around and saw Tanizaki.

"Really?!" Atsushi gasped.

"Yeah!" He said beaming with happiness, he then left to go research.

"Oh Atsushi and (y/n)-chan since your still pretty new I wanna let you two know if your ever out on a mission and it goes terribly wrong, run. Don't stop. Just run." Ranpo had a smile on his face as he said that, kinda scared you but you kept your calm. "Oh also keep your ability on stand by. Like now, then you can see what happens in the next ten seconds." Ranpo explained all this to you two, but sadly you didn't understand at all. Why would he be telling you that?

"Mmm...." this came from the door-way making you and Atsushi turn around to see Yosano.

"Good morning Yosano-san!" Atsushi said waving.

"Do you two have any injuries?" Yosano asked bordly.

"Umm no... were fine." Atsushi said, earning a click of the tongue from Yosano.

"That's too bad."

"What?" (Nani nani?! •○•)

"I was gonna get somebody to come shopping with me, but it seems like you two are the only ones here." Yosano said. You two turned around to see nobody there.

"Where'd they go?!" You yelled in surprise.


Yosano walks ahead, with you and Atsushi close behind. Atsushi held most of the boxes, and you held a few small bags.

"A-are you gonna buy some more?" Atsushi asked, hoping for the answer to be no.

"Don't drop anything." Was all she said.

"Atsushi-niiiii, how far away are we from the train?" You complained.

"Uh were not that far, just wait a little longer. Here, if you want, gimme some of the bags your holding." He said. You've seen the amount he was holding and didn't want him carrying any more, so you told him.

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