Train station

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Since both Kenji and Yosano were asleep, and the director and Ranpo we're still figuring things out, you were left by yourself. There wasn't much stuff brought to this base, besides from paperwork and other small things. But you didn't want to finish your work, so you went to explore some more.

You went up the stairs and looked around, mostly seeing boxes and things with sheets draped over them.


' huh? Where did that come from? ' you thought as you looked around for the source. You heard some rustling next to you, and then saw a calico cat. This one looked slightly familiar though.

"Are you Mii-chan?" You asked, yet knowing that you weren't going to get an answer. "If you are, shouldn't you be at Haruno-san's place? But she did lock her door, so that means Mii-chan can't get out. But then again he could've escaped from somewhere else..." You started going on, and on about ways how Mii-chan could've escaped.

The cat in front of you, which was  Mii-chan, got slightly bored and started purring to get your attention. You stopped talking, and looked at him.

"Now I wanna know, how did you get in here? Maybe..." Just as he got your attention, you were then distracted by something else.


"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry... Hey I know let's go back down. I bet the director would like to see you.. He likes cats." You picked up the calico cat, and started going back to where the director and Ranpo where. "Look I found a cat!" You yelled while running up to the two.

Both men, took their attention away from the screen and looked at you and what you held in your hands. The director had a weird expression, going from surprised to happy. Soon they both looked at each other, and then slightly nodded, as in they were agreeing to something.

"Where did you find him?" Ranpo asked.

"Up there." You pointed to where you just were, while still holding the cat in your hands. "I brought him down here to show to you, director." You smiled an innocent smile.

"That was very nice of you [Y/n]-chan... Bring him here, he must be hungry from coming all the way here." The director said. You did as told, and brought the cat over and placed him on the desk. He reached into his yukata and pulled out some treats from the cat. To you, this was normal, as you have seen him do this multiple times with other cats.

Once the cat finished the treats, he started walking to the computer screen. To you it looked like it was inspecting what was going on.

"Aww look, it's like he also wants to know what's happening." You happily said. "Oh speaking of what's happening, where did Atsushi-nii go?"

"He's going with Dazai-san to wait at the train station." Ranpo said.

"Ok, when's Kunikida-san coming back?"

"When he's done, which should be soon." The director said. That got you slightly worried about the stack of work still left undone.

"U-um well I gotta leave the cat to you two and finish some work." You went back to where you left the work, and started to think just how scary Kunikida would be of he found out you didn't finish most of them.

"As your boss, and someone who is older than you, why didn't you finish them sooner?" The director asked with some sternness to his voice.

"It's boring. I know most of this stuff now, but does he have  to keep giving me the same thing over and over again. I wanna help you too, but I can't 'Cause of this work." You said. The cat looked in your direction, and then started to go to you.

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