An attempted massacre

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~a week later~

"The outside world really is the best! Everyone is so happy." Q said as he was walking past all the people. "Who should I play with?" He asked to no one in particular. As he was looking around, he saw a tall man with a black trench coat and some really long dark hair. "Found one~" Q said as he happily skipped over to the man. He grabbed him by his coat and looked up to him to say. "Hey mister, play with me." The man looked down at him with an emotionless face. "You're from The Guild aren't you? Humor me."

"Humor... A kid...?" The man looked like he was thinking of something, but then he came back to reality. "A dachshund." He said as green tentacles began to form into a weird blob. Q looked at him with a disgusted face and then said.

"No thanks." He demeanor rapidly changed to a happy one. "Ok now it's my turn." Q pushed his fist into the man's stomach multiple times while saying "boop" each time. "Ta-da!" Q's fist had barbed wires wrapped around it, and from them stabbing into his skin came blood. "Look, that handprint appears on anyone who hurts me." A purple handprint started to form onto the man's cheek. "Now show me mister, just how insane can you get?" Q had a crazed facial expression.

"I... don't really know what it means to be insane..."  As the man was saying this, his body started to bend in a way where it looked like it was breaking. A big shadow fell over Q's body as he looked up in horror and shock. "Is this what you mean... by insane?" The man was now something completely different than a human. Q stared at it for a few seconds before letting out a scream.


"Why can't I see my brother today?" You asked Poe.

"They're going into the emergency plan. So you can't see him anymore." Poe said as he continued to write in his book. He was almost done, just a few more pages to write and he would be finished.

"Thats no fair." You pouted and Karl came up to you. He rubbed his head against your hand wanting you to pet him. As you were petting him, someone came into Poe's room asking for you. You followed them because you because you had no choice.


The room was dark, the only light source around was the little candle hanging on the wooden staircase. Footsteps could be heard coming down, but Q didn't bother to look at who it was.

"Hey how are we feeling?" John asked. He saw Q all wrapped up in tree roots and in pain, yet he held no remorse for the kid.

"It hurts.... My body... it hurts.. it hurts, it hurts!!" Q screamed.

"Well, if you're looking for someone to blame, blame the tactician who made this emergency plan. Or yourself for coming up with the foolish idea of trying to destroy Lovecraft's mind." John said as he sat down in a chair right in front of Q.

"I'll kill you... I'll kill you." Q said. John smirked and then stomped his foot down on a tree root. "AAAHH!" Q screamed in pain.

~~~ (I'm gonna be going back and forth between scenes so you gonna see this a lot)

"Are you enjoying your cruise on the Moby Dick?" Francis asked as he sat down at his desk. Atsushi's arms were tied up so he couldn't do anything.

"Excuse me." The door clicked open making Atsushi turn to see who it was. In came a girl with long red hair, dressed almost like a maid. She spotted Atsushi and turned her head away from him.

"Why is she here?"

"Ms. Montgomery? Those whose abilities have been figured out have no strategic value. But she insisted on staying." Francis said. Lucy put a sheet over a table and he looked at her with sympathetic eyes. Francis snapped his fingers gaining Atsushi's attention. "Now, where were we? We're looking for a book."

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