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You didn't care who you fell down upon, all that you wanted to do was get out and find Atsushi.

"Sorry! And please don't hurt me!" You yelled as you got up and started running away. But before you could get far, you felt a hand grab your wrist.

"Who are y-you and, what are you doing here?" The person said in almost a whisper.

"I ain't telling you! Now lemme go!" You said as you struggled to get out of his grasp. Although he didn't look that strong, he had a firm grip on you.

"Are you lost?"

"Yes, and I wanna go back home."

"What if I can help?" He asked.

"You can?" You asked as you now stopped struggling.

"I can try. Just follow me." He had a small smile on his face that didn't look at all deceiving. Even though you just met him, you felt as if you could trust him.

"O-ok." The man let go of your hand and stood up. You did think about running off, but maybe he could actually help you.

"My name's Edgar Allan Poe, but most people call me Poe." He said as he started to walk in a certain direction.

"Um, mine's [Y/n]." You said. Every few minutes you would look behind yourself to see if John was anywhere behind you. When Poe stopped walking, he stopped in front of a grey door.

"Oh before we go in, are you allergic to any animals?"

"No, I don't think so. Why? Do you have a cat?" You said getting excited to see a cat. It's been a while since you've seen one anyways.

"No, it's a raccoon." Poe said while opening the door. Before he could get it all the way open a raccoon came out and  looked up at you. You crouched down so you could pet the top of it's head. But as you did so the raccoon jumped onto your head and then onto Poe's shoulders.

"Aww." You pouted and Poe chuckled a little.

"I'm sure he just needs some time getting used to you." Poe said while walking into the room

"Ok." You said while following behind him. "What's his name?"

"Karl." Poe closed the door behind you, and you asked.

"How are you gonna help me?"

"Umm... Well I can't really take you back home because we're in the air-"

"Wait we're in the air?!" You yelled.

"Y-yes." Poe got scared from you suddenly yelling which made Karl jump off his shoulders. "Just look outside." He pointed towards a window and you ran towards it to see outside. 

Poe was right, you were up in the air. Through the window you could see most of Yokohama below you. It looked cool, yet at the same time scary. You were about to say something, but before you could there was knocking at the door and a voice you recognized.

"Poe?" The voice came from the other side and sounded like John's. You looked at Poe with wide eyes and he could see that you were scared.

"Hide behind those bookcases." He whispered. You did as told and hid. "Yes?" John opened the door and walked in.

"I heard some yelling, did anything happen in here?"

"Oh, it was just because of Karl. Nothing to worry about."

"Ok, well I wanna let you know to look out for this little girl that is running around. If you see her, bring her to the boss." John said then left.

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