Hide and seek

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"Do you really want to know?" Atsushi asked as he put his pen down.

"Yes." You said with determined eyes. Once Atsushi was out of his treatment with Yosano, you kept asking what happened to make him hurt that badly.

"Alright. Well let's just start from when I jumped off the Moby Dick-" Atsushi started as he set aside the paperwork he was doing.

"Wait you jumped down from it?!"

"Yes, but don't worry I'm fine." Atsushi said as he patted the top of your hair. "But as I was saying, when I jumped, there was somebody that was trying to shoot me down. They ended up shooting though my parachute, so that made me start falling to the ground at a really fast speed." With his right hand in the air, he brought it down to his desk at a fast rate to mimic what happened. "But instead of falling into the ground, and possibly dying, I somehow managed to transform into the tiger at the last second."

"A big white tiger? That's so cool, I wanna see it!"

"One day I'll show you... You see, I had to get this weird doll to Dazai-san so he could nullify the ability."

"A doll had an ability?"

"Not exactly. Someone from the Port Mafia has a really strong ability and that doll had to do with it." Atsushi didn't want to say who it was mainly because he didn't want to get into that right now. But as you thought through all the people from the Port Mafia, one sounded close to what he was describing. "You see, the Guild wanted to start a war just to find this book of some sort. So they decided to use their ability to start the war. And it was working... I was running around to get away from the bullets, and find Dazai-san. In the process of it, I saw a baby in a stroller, and one of those Black Lizard guys. I had to give the baby to him, and I wished you could've seen the look on his face." Atsushi let out a few laughs, then continued his story. "Oh but as I was running away I found you. You were under the curse of the ability sadly."

"Oh I slightly remember that time. I was hurting, but I was being strong so I wouldn't lose control." You said with a smile. Atsushi gave you a soft smile, brought you into a little hug and said.

"You did good and I'm proud of you.... But you did hit me." He avoided all the other things that happened and decided that he shouldn't tell you about them.

"What, really?"

"Yeah. It was more like a slap than anything-"

"I sorry Atsushi-nii!"

"It's ok. I forgive you." He said with a smile.

"Is there anything else that happened after that?"

"Um well this part's a little hazy, but I do remember almost running into an oil truck. It exploded before I could get away, but I believe when I protected you from the impact of the ground, is where I got the most injuries. But after that I remember seeing Dazai-san, this big purple smoke screen, and then going to take cover in a stairwell. Then after that, all I remember is waking up."

"That's a lot of stuff that happened. But I'm happy that you are safe."

"Thank you." Atsushi went back to doing his work while you watched him.

"Atsushi-nii, one day I wanna be able to go on a mission with you." Atsushi stopped his work and looked at you with slight surprise.

"Why would you want to go on a mission with me?"

"Hmm... because I wanna be with you!"

"Maybe when you're a little older, you can go on a mission with me."

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