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While you were stuck with the Port Mafia, the ADA had their own crisis.

Atsushi missed when he would wake up and see you with your arm over his face, in some kind of ridiculous form, or just when you would cuddle up with your stuffed animal off to the side. Now, everything felt cold when you were not around him. He still blames himself for losing you, even though everyone else says it not his fault and that they probably would've done the same too, he doesn't feel any better about it. Sometimes he would be late for work from desperately trying to look for you on his way there, but it always failed. In the back of his head he thinks the Port Mafia is behind this, but he hoped that wasn't the answer. One time Atsushi even asked Kyouka if she knew anything about the Port Mafia trying to kidnap you, she only responded with ' I'm sorry, I have not, discussed, nor have been told about any kidnapping of (y/n)-san while I was there. ' Everyone noticed that he slowed down in almost everything, and one thought ran throughout everyone's head, ' is he getting thinner?

Dazai missed when you two would go and annoy Kunikida, even though it would always end up worse for him than you, he would do anything to have that back. Sometimes to keep you from getting bored you two would go on small "adventures" around the office, occasionally outside, and now there was no one to do that with. His "breaks" were boring, everything was, but somebody had to keep this office alive. So he kept on being his normal self, even if it was more forced than anything. Of course he too would help Atsushi try and find you, and over time when he saw Atsushi falling asleep from over working, or just not getting enough sleep, Dazai would remind him to. He didn't like seeing Atsushi like this, no one did.

Kunikida missed when you and Dazai would go annoy him. Yes that might seem strange for this workaholic, who is strict on not messing around when there's work to do, but it didn't feel right with out you there. Yes, what the director said is true, and he would help when Atsushi asked, but even outside of work he would look for you. He even asked a friend  for help, although it didn't work.

Ranpo missed when you two would share his snacks. You would be there and talk about what candy flavor was your favorite, or talk about how amazing (f/s/c) (S is snack C is candy choose one) is. He would even show his, as you called them, beautiful green eyes more often. But now that you were gone, they became dull and he closed them. Ranpo was the first one Atsushi asked for help from, and of course he obliged. They watched the surveillance cameras on the train for anything, but it seems that when Demon Snow slashed Atsushi that one time, she also cut up the camera. They went to the scene where it happened and found really no tracks, evidence, or anything there. Since the door was opened you could've just walked out once it stopped, or if someone did take you they could've jumped out the door. He even checked the surveillance cameras on the streets, but either they were edited or they just caught nothing. There wasn't enough evidence for Ranpo to figure this out, and this was huge for Ranpo. Never once has he been this troubled on a case. He became disappointed, some would even say depressed, and started to doubt his ability. The whole agency still praised him, hoping that one day he would get to the bottom of it all.

Kenji missed when you two would play around. Being only 14, he still had times where all he wanted to do was play and not work on anything adult related, and since you were the youngest one there he went to you and you two played like little kids again. Of course he also took this search for you seriously, you were like his little sister. He went around all of Yokohama asking if anybody has seen you, all answers were 'no', he even asked some gangs in the area. He almost got beaten up a few times, but their answers were the same like everybody else's. He too was sad, and a little depressed, about this whole crisis, but he continues to smile trying to cheer up everyone in the office. (I can't do this to my baby, he doesn't deserve this)

Tanizaki missed when he could be another older brother to you. Yeah he had Naomi, but even sometimes he wished she was a little bit more innocent.  Just like Naomi, he would do anything if you were in trouble. Another thing he missed is when you would play with his hair (honestly I mean who doesn't? sometimes it puts me to sleep) You would mostly put it in small ponytails, and maybe even the occasional messy braid. He too didn't need to be asked to help, he worked using the information he already had racked in his brain, he even found out more things that happen in Yokohama while doing so.

Naomi missed when you and Haruno would get together and look at pictures of cats, although it wasn't very often, she would love to do that more than anything right now. She even kept true to her word about not destroying your innocence. She also felt as if you were her younger sister, so she too would've done anything to try and find you. She mostly looked things up, or on her way back from school she would ask anybody if they've seen you.

Yosano missed when she would take you to go shopping, and honestly probably most of your clothes have come from her.  Although her ability wasn't useful unless someone was injured, she did her best on searching with everyone else. Even when some people would be in distress she would be there to calm them down.

Although what he said was true, Yukichi felt a little bad for Atsushi. So he also looked for you when he went on his little strolls outside. One day Atsushi came up to him with the idea that the Port Mafia had you. Yukichi reassured him that if they did, that you are strong enough to withstand whatever they did to you. He would keep a keen eye on what they did though.

Overall the ADA just wasn't the same without you there anymore. You had changed them so much, they couldn't think of a life with out you in it. Each night they hoped that you were at least safe and had some place to stay. They all at least had a suspicion that the Port Mafia had you, but they wouldn't jump to conclusions making things between them worse, or even, starting a war. They did, however, keep a close eye on them.


Ahh pretty depressing huh? Yeah I'm sorry for that but it had to be done. I hope I got their reactions/personalities right, I mean this is how I would see them reacting to this kind of scenario. Well see ya next chapter, bye bye ∖(^-^ )

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