Belladonna flower

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Take this pure tiger boi for your picture today :)

Before I start this story, remember that little stuffed animal you had in the beginning, well I completely forgot to add that in the story. Just realize you bring it to the office (well that's if you want too, I'm not forcing ya) I probably won't add it in the story anymore, but it's there, you still have it. Ok on to the story!

You have spent each day with a different person. Now you were determined to have a day with Yosano and not have it messed up.

"You ready to go?" Atsushi asked putting his gloves on.

"Yes." You were set and ready to go, but you still wanted to sleep some more. You went up to Atsushi and put out you arms. "Can you pick me up?" He did what you asked and picked you up. You put your head on his shoulder, and fell asleep. You two made it to the office and got something to eat. The bell on the door rang, and someone came in. Like all the other times, it was Dazai once again. But Atsushi did not know he thought it was a random person. Dazai had a wonderful idea on how to scare Atsushi, he was going to do the same thing you did to him. Stick a wet finger in his ear. The whole time he was there you gave a quick look at him then went back go talking with Atsushi. Once Dazai did his deed, he hid. Sadly for Dazai, Atsushi immediantly knew who it was, and immediantly found him .

"DAZAI!!" Atsushi wiped his ear and looked at Dazai. You laughed as Atsushi seemed exactly like Kunikida when he was getting mad at Dazai. It only lasted a few minutes, then they went up to the office. Dazai went to the bathroom, so he didn't have to do his work. Everybody was working in the office, or at least they did what they do everyday. The director was on a morning walk, and Yosano wasn't there yet so you were going to wait her her to come. During the time you waited, you played with Kenji, he let you wear his straw hat. Later Atsushi came over too, but still there was no sign of Yosano. The office door burst open revealing three men, one had a bat, another had a gun, and the last had some rope.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP, ALL OF YOU!" The one with a gun said. This all happened so quickly, you began to panic. You grabbed onto Atsushi, and he pulled you closer. "Where is the boy named Kenji?" Currently you three were sitting on the ground. Kenji told you two not to get up, so you didn't. Kenji looked at Kunikida seeing for any instructions. Kunikida slowly moved his hand down, and Kenji knew what that meant, but one of the men saw and asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, it just my wrist it hurts a little." Kunikida lied to him.

"If nobody tells us where he is, we will start killing those people down there." The man pulled out a walkie talkie and said. "Get the first one ready to go. You " he pointed to one of the men in the room "search for the kid, and you." He pointed to the other and said "tie the others up." They did as they were told.

"Found him, and those two other ones from before." The man pulled out a small gun, and shot Kenji in the arm. Kenji fell to the ground, asleep, and the man hauled him over his shoulder.

"The little girl, and the boy with white hair?" The 'boss' said. The other nodded. "Get the boy, I've heard that he can turn into a weretiger, and there's a big bounty on his head for that." The man quickly shot Atsushi wherever he could, and he fell to the floor asleep.

"What about the little girl?" The man said. Currently you were starring at the man scared out of your mind. Atsushi and Kenji  were passed out, and everybody else was tied up.

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