Part XV

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"How'd you do it?" I ask.

"There's a back door over there that they use to get back here to dump the trash. I just snuck through there."

"What was the point in walking out through the front then?"

"So they don't get suspicious kid." I nodded slowly.

"How're we gonna get them back home without people asking questions?"

"You're gonna go to that convenient store over there and ask for some plastic bags. Get a whole bunch."

"What if they ask questions?"

"Tell them it's for a school project or somethin." Dally lit yet another cigarette.

"What kind of school project requires plastic bags?" I retort. He shrugs slightly taking a hit.

"Don't know man. Science? Just do it Alright? I'll take you out for a good lunch to make it up to ya."

"Fine." I reply knowing full well I would have done it anyways even if he didn't offer to buy me food.

I walked across the street occasionally looking back at Dally who was leaning against the building watching me.

I walked inside and I looked out. Weird how you couldn't see the alley way from here. Guess that's makes this easier.

I walked up to the cashier and he looks up from his paper. Giving me a once over before he talks.

"How can I help you miss?" He asks in a generic nice voice.

"I need about 3 or 4 plastic bags sir." I tell him. He raises his eyebrows suspiciously.

"What for?" He asks already getting them out for me.

"I-um to carry around some supplies for a science project." I lie.

"How big is that project?" He asks.

"Real big. Thank you." He hands me the bags and I walk out quickly and run across the street.

Dally was waiting for me. He took a couple and we started stuffing my clothes in.

When we had everything put up Dally carried a few on his arms and I carried the rest.

"Let's drop these off at Bucks then head to the Dingo okay?" I nod slowly and followed Dally down the street.

Dally and me talked about stuff. What he did to deserve the beating. Apparently he was caught slashing his friends tires. AND it wasn't the first time.

Soon we made it back to the stinky grey  building. Dally let us inside and he led me upstairs. The place was deserted. Not even the owner was in sight.

"Alright, lets just put these in my room and get going." Dally tells me. I nod and follow him up the stairs.

We set the bags on the ground and leave the building.

"Don't worry kid. We'll get some more clothes for ya some other time." Dally says ruffling my hair. I didn't respond. I don't really care weather I have clothes or not.

I had some already in my bag I brought from New York.

We walked until we came upon the familiar restaurant. Yet another crowd was gathered out front. This time it looked like an old Asian hitchhiker and a bald biker.

Dally rushes me inside and we took a seat. Thank god a different waitress was here today.

She was slightly better than the other one. She wore her uniform at the proper length and only had on a little makeup.

"What'll it be?" She asks. Dally gave her the same order he got last time for us and I didn't protest. It was real good.

The waitress nodded and walked to the back. Thank god she didn't try to flirt with Dally. It just makes me feel all awkward.

"So how do you feel around the gang?" Dally asks.

"I don't know. They're nice people." I shrug slightly.

"Yeah. But do you feel safe around em?"

"Well I was scared at first. But Johnny told me them boys wouldn't hurt me. So I've been tryin to open up." I say. Dally nods.

"Well good kid. Because I think you're gonna have to stay at Darry's a while. At least until I get somethin situated out with Buck because we both can't be livin in that tiny room."

"Oh. Alright." I say bleakly. He was breaking his promise again. Guess I really shouldn't have been thinking he wouldn't. He's a Winston for Gods sake.

"Okay? You're cool with it? You're not mad?"

"No Dal. It's fine." I lie. But he clearly bought it because he nodded slowly and smiled.


The waitress came back out with our food and drinks and we ate silently. Occasionally Dally tried making conversation but I shut him down.

I kept giving him one word answers and eventually he got the gist that I didn't wanna talk.

When we were done he payed the ticket and we left.

"What's up Vix? We were havin fun today and now you're mad. Did I do somethin?"

"No Dally. I cant just want to be quiet all of a sudden?" I ask. He didn't say anything after that. Probably best.

Dally walked me all the way to the Curtis house and he let me walk in first. Nobody was home except Johnny and Pony. Figures they'd be here by their lonesomes.

"Hey where's Darry?" Dally asks.

"Went to work." Pony responded.

"Alright. Well I need to talk to him later. Take care of Vixen while I'm gone. See y'all at the movie." Dally waved slightly and was gone.

I roll my eyes and plop onto the couch.

"What's wrong? You and Dal get into a fight or somethin?" Pony asks. I shake my head no.

"No nothin like that. It's just Dally broke a promise he made the first night I came here." I respond.

"What promise?"

"To not leave me alone again. He swore too. But the next day he left and today he told me I'm gonna have to stay will y'all because he has to work somethin out with a room situation."

"Well that ain't so bad. At least you'll be livin with us." Pony says. I nod slowly.

"Yeah I guess that is a bonus." I reply.

"But still. A promise is a promise and Dally still broke it." I tell them.

"Listen I know you probably don't wanna hear this but Dally almost never keeps a promise." Ponyboy says. Johnny nods in agreement.

"Figured as much." I replied.

"Say wanna go for a walk or somethin?"  Pony suggests.

"Yeah sure. Got a smoke?" I asked. Pony handed me a cigarette and a lighter and I let it up before handing the lighter back.


"No problem."

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