Chapter 12

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We get seated down at our table. Before sitting down, Amarillo pulls my seat out and pushes it back up when I am seated. Such a gentleman. You can tell his mother raised him right by teaching him the right way to treat a lady. The female Latina waitress comes over to take our order. Amarillo said to order whatever I like the bill is on him. I usually disagree with stuff like this but since he offered to take me out on this date, I'll allow him to pay. I feel that whoever plans the date should be the one to pay.

I ordered a Turkey Avocado wrap with a house salad and a peach iced tea on the side. Amarillo ordered a Veggie Burger with French fries and a Powerade. After the waitress took our menus and went to put our orders in, he explains to me that he isn't a full vegetarian, he just doesn't like to eat meat all of the time. We talked and laughed a little bit.

Thirty minutes later, our waitress returns with our food. We ate and talked somewhere. We mostly talked about Virginia Beach and what to expect at the school. We played pool and golf and we laughed some more. We were there for two hours at least and then we were off to our next destination 'First Landing State' park. Instead of us getting back on the helicopter, we road on a motorcycle which was also pretty amazing.

When we got to the beach, we started to ask each other more personal questions. I don't think I was ready to answer.

Amarillo is laying on his side studying me. While I'm sitting straight up watching the water movements.

"So, what's the deal with you?" he asks as he draws his finger back and forward in the sand.

"What do you mean?" I respond still looking out into the ocean.

"I want to hear why you left a place like Texas to come here to the VA."

"It's a long story." I lie.

Amarillo lifts his hands up and says,

"We have nothing but time."

I sigh quietly.

I then turn to lie on my side.

We lie in the sand on our sides gazing deep into each other eyes.

"My father didn't want me anymore so he sent me out here to live with a mother I never knew I had." I lie. I'm not ready for him to learn the truth about me; I wasn't sure if that would be a deal breaker for him or not.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. That's it."

"Come on. That wasn't long at all."

"Hmm. I guess not." I casually say.

"Tell me more."

"What's more to tell?"

"I want to know more about this mysterious girl that came out of nowhere and gave me a feeling that I've never felt before." my lashes fluttered.

"I've given you a feeling that you've never felt before?"

"Yes." he smiles. I have to tell him something even if it is a lie.

"My dad enforced all of these rules and regulations. I followed them at first, of course, because he's my dad and I had nowhere else to go. So, I followed every stupid rule that he made until I realized that he only made those rules up so he can take dictate of my life and my every move.

"What kind of rules did you have to follow?"

"He gave me rules such as I couldn't go to parties. I couldn't hang out with a certain group of kids because of how they look. I couldn't join clubs at school. I had to go straight to school and come home. He even lied and told me that I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and cut all my hair off."

"Wow. No disrespect but your father sounds like a real dick."

"Yeah. Tell me about." I scoffs.

"So, how did you find out he was lying?" Damn. What's with all the questions?

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