Chapter 39

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Our shoes pound in the mud, as we jump down onto the lower ground.

We start running through the trees, with Christian, Kayleigh, and Marissa, not that far behind us in sure. Kelenna and I both run with our guns down at our sides in case a bullet came our way and we needed to shoot back.

'Bam! Bam! Bam!' the sound of gunshots heard from behind us whooshing past us landing into thin air.

I look back over my shoulder.

"DON'T!" Kelenna screams at me causing me to turn my attention back to in front of me.

"Sorry. I was just trying to see how much distance us between us and them." I said.

"A lot apparently." she looks over at me. "Because they didn't hit us...."

"ARGHHHHHHHHH!" She screams holding onto her arm and ducking off and sliding down a tree, I duck off behind a tree that's on the left of her.

"Gotcha! Ha Ha!" I hear Marissa say from a distance.

A bullet had ricocheted off of a tree and into her shoulder.

She sobs in pain as she takes her gloves off and throws them onto the floor.

"Ah!Ah!Ah!" she whimpers softly as she squirms her arm out of her Black denim jacket. She pulls her arm across her chest to look at the wound, she bites down on her lip fighting back the pain.

"Are you okay?" I ask my pupils dilated and my breaths heavy.

"Yeah." she pants as you can hear her ripping a piece of cloth with her teeth.

"Did it go through?" I ask.

"I Don't know." She wraps the piece over her wound and then takes it under her arm and she repeats that process a couple of more times. "And I don't have time to see." She groans as she slowly gets up on her feet. "Let's Go."

As soon as we were about to take off running, we hear footsteps approaching.

"Wait." she looks at me and mouths.

Marissa approaches the trees and stops and turns to glare at Kelenna as I move even more around the tree crouched down at a position where she can't see me.

"Long time no see Ke." I can hear the smile in her voice as she speaks as she still her gun out down by her side.

"Yup."  Kelenna's tone dulled as she speaks.

Marissa Danvers and Kelenna used to be best friends. Before Marissa became a traitor, she was one of us. She decides to switch sides an join the enemies when she couldn't get her way and join the seat of the other 7 leaders. What a fucking whining little bitch? Marissa and Kelenna were also friends with my real mom. My mom was the vote that would make or break Marissa's wish. My mother felt as if she wasn't ready yet, it wasn't personal but Marissa made it personal.

"Where's your partner?" Marissa asks looking around.

"You're too late. She left already." Kelenna lies.

"Bullshit," Marissa says as she bends down and glares at Kelenna.

"Where is she?" she asks looking out in front of her. I peek around the tree and Kelenna's eyes meet mines.

I gesture towards the rock that sits not that far from me.

She purses up her lips as her eyes also widen and shake her head no.

"Wh-" Marissa turns back around catching Kelenna's eyes looking in my direction.

I quickly grab the rock and position my body back behind the tree.

"Is she there?" I hear Marissa asking pointing at the tree that makes me invisible to her eyesight.

"No. I told you she's-" Marissa shoots Kelenna in her leg causing her to stop mid-sentence.

"ARGHHHHHH FUCK!" Kelenna screams. I put my hand over my mouth trying to block out the noise of my whimpers from being heard by Marissa.

"Well, if the little bitch doesn't come out from behind the tree. I'll guess I'll have to make her come out." I hear Marissa say before firing another bullet into Kelenna.

"ARGHHHHHH!" Kelenna's screams make me jump.

I-I can't take this I can't let another person who has been a mother figure to me die. I can't bear to see or experience that kind of pain no more.

I clench the rock tighter in my hand.

"I'm going to make the little bitch suffer. I'm going to make her watch me kill you just like I made her watch me when I killed her mother Nira."

The darkness in me was summoned and I did the only thing I felt like doing I stormed out from behind the tree screaming like I was some kind of animal. She turns around and looks me dead in my eyes I hit her in her head with the rock before she was able to send a bullet right through me.

Her body falls to the floor and I hit her again and again.

"Naomi." Kelenna's voice is distant and shaky.

I turn to look at her and her wounds. Seeing her in her condition is what brought me back from the deep sunken hole I was falling into. I drop the rock onto the floor as I see Kelenna's eyes closing and her body tilting over. I run over to catch Kelenna before she hits herhead.

"I got you." I assure as I put her over my shoulder.

I turn around and glare at Marissa's body, "Tell my mother I said I miss her and I love her bitch." anger evident in my voice.

I take off running with Kelenna over my shoulder as the Gunshots persist.

(Hey, Guys. So excuse the mistakes or holes that may be in my book. Don't worry. When I'm done telling this story I will go back and do my edits. Some of the ethnicity of the characters will be changed. But please, Vote and leave comments. I love you all and appreciate you so much.)

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