Chapter 16

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(Hey! Thanks to all of your views and likes my book, at Last, is trending at #3 under the hashtag At last! Hooray!!! Yessss! I appreciate you guys. And if you see any typos please don't hold it against me. I made it my mission to be consistent with updating you guys with a new chapter about these characters life's every day. And sometimes I have to be pushing it I then had writers block or something and couldn't think of the direction to take the chapter. So, forgive me please. I will go back and fix my mistakes. Ilysm.)

Amarillo's POV

As I lay here with my face pinned back onto the seat unable to move because of this tree that fell on top of my car. As I take shallow breaths trying to hold on hoping that someone comes across this accident and calls for help, that someone actually saves me. But I can't help to wonder if this doesn't turn out the way I plan for it too, who's going to save her? Who's going to protect her? Who's going to teach her how to fight back? I start to see flashes of her beautiful face and her beautiful smile as I start to get light-headed and my vision goes in and out. I see flashes of the first day I met her, and our beautiful date before it turned sorry. Then everything went black.

Naomi's POV

I can barely hold keep my balance as I stand here and listen to the voicemail that Amarillo has left on my phone. I'm feeling so many emotions right now more than I can describes but I am feeling guilty more than anything. I knew that I had gained the attention of a hateful, deceitful, miserable, aggressive, stalker who has it that if he can't have me then no one can. The only good characteristic about him is that he's charming and athletic but underneath that all he is an asshole.

I squeeze my eyes shut and stumble back into her dresser and slide down it. I can't help but to allow the tears that I've been holding back to immediately fall down my cheeks as I listen to every thump that Amarillo and his car takes down that hill. After the message is finished recording, I put my head in my hands and cry some more. I couldn't find the words so all I did was cried for what felt like hours.

As I imagine the worse, I can feel my adrenaline rising inside of me. My forehead, my arms, my legs, my entire body drenched in sweat as my breathing becomes heavier.

"This..This is my fault. I did this if..if I would've never met him. He will be safe he will be okay. He won't be..." my face scrunched up as I had to stop to try and find the right words. The only word that came out followed by whimpers are "Dead. Because of me!"

Kayleigh's POV

I can't believe that Rillo could be dead. I don't call him Amarillo because that shit is weird he's one of my best friends..well Ex-best friend. I don't really like him that much right now, but know I feel bad because we were into it for something so stupid and petty. You blink your eyes for a second and open them back up and your whole world then changed.

I don't know what to say or what to do except cry right along with Naomi. Gosh, I really feel her right now. Although I feel guilty myself, I'm not about to sit here and let her blame herself and beat herself up. I mean she's literally smacking herself in the head right now.

I sniffle and wipe my tears as I get up from my comfy bed and go over towards the dresser where Naomi is having a full-blown meltdown.

"Hey. Hey Naomi." I say as I move her hands from her face. Her face is really sweaty. I wasn't sure if she had a temperature or not but to be on the safe side, I check.

I put the back part of my hand up to her forehead and she's burning up!

"Fuck.." I curse quietly. I grab a towel out of my dresser and start to pat the sweat from her face gently. But as I pat the sweat away more comes back.

"What the fuck?..." I curse frustratedly. I look in her eyes and see that her eyes are bloodshot red and peaky. She grasp her neck and gasping for air.

I've never been through something like this and I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know if she needs water. I don't know if she's about to pass out. I don't know if she's about to die.

"Um, what's wrong? Do you need water?" I ask as I run my hands through my hair.

Without saying any words she just nods her head up and down while still grasping onto her neck.

"Ice cold?" I say with relief.

"Y-E-S" She spells out slowly still gasping for air.

"Okay. I'll be right back okay. I quickly exit the room and run to the kitchen to get Naomi some ice cold water.

"Hang out! Naomi, please I'm coming." I yell out.

I stand in the kitchen in the dark getting Naomi some ice cold water. All of a sudden, the light flicks on and I jump.

I turn around to see my mother standing there in just a robe and a hair bonnet wiping her eyes. My mother, Natanext Love-Marshall, and I like just alike only difference is she's taller than I am and her hair is cut into a bob style.

"Geez. You scared me there ma." I sigh.

"Sorry." she yawns.

"No, I'm sorry if I woke you." I apologize.

"No. You didn't wake me. I-we was...uhm..." she tries to tell me but I put my hand up to silence her.

"Okay. I don't need to hear about the things you two do when I'm not around. " I squirm as I turn the water off and retrieve the ice cold cup of water.

My mother Clears her throat and asks, "Why are you guys making all of that noise?"

"Because...somethings wrong with Naomi. And I have to hurry and get her this water." I say as I run out of this kitchen.

"Wait. What's wrong with Naomi?" she follows me out of the kitchen?

Naomi's POV

It feels like my throat is closing in and I don't know how to stop it or what's going on. All I know is that when something like this happened before, I ended up having a seizure and my heart stopped. I literally feel like I'm about to die. I wish Kayleigh hurry up before I die right here in her room. My throat starts to burn. I scream out in agony due to the pain. I try to cough but the next thing I know my entire body started shaking. Oh shit! It's happening again.

I can't die not like this. I had dreams to be a great one. How can I be a great one if I'm dead?

I slide down to the floor as my body continues to shake. I lie on my back and tears come out of the corners of my eyes. I feel the spit coming up my throat and I'm more than certain I'm about to die when nobodies here to help me turn over on my side.

The more my body continues to shake the more I feel myself drifting further and further apart from life itself.

And the choking begins.

Kayleigh's POV

"Tell me what's going on with your friend?" my mother asks all up in my ear as we make our way back to my room.

"She's not feeling well Ma. Dang! Go back to bed she'll be fine." I groan as I grow annoyed with my mother and her nagging.

"You don't have to say it like that." she glares at me and rolls her eyes at the back of my head.

As we enter my room, both of our mouths fall open and the cup sits out of my hand as we see Naomi lying on the floor shaking with what looks like foam coming from her mouth and her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

Tears run down both of our eyes.

(I'm going to do a double update either today or tomorrow. Either way, I really enjoy you guys. Please feel free to comment and share with a free. I love you. Also, from this chapter on, I'm going to start writing the songs that I listen to while I'm writing.) During this chapter, I listened to this following song:  The Band Perry - If I Die Young, Max Jury - Great American Novel, Olivia O'Brien - Love Myself, Lorde - Supercut, Lennon Stella - La Di Da, Shallou - Lie, Troye Sivan - My My My!, Ariane Grande - Nasa, and Jessie Reyez - Great one. Some of these song listed above I picture as great songs being played for some of the scenes in this chapter and continued over to the next.

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