Chapter 29

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"Don't judge me, please," I tell Amarillo as we're pulling up in front of my house.

"Why would I judge you?" he looks over at me and asks.

"Because..." I gesture over to the right of us where a two-story home with a nice comfortable indoor patio porch light-brown bricks and mortar sits.

That's my house.

"Because What?" he laughs as he looks over at me. "Because you don't live in a house off the beach like me and my friends?"

Instead of speaking, I nod my head out if embarrassment because I know it sounds stupid.

"Yeah. You know what you're right." he opens the door and steps outside of the car and shuts the door behind him.


"NO!" He walks over to my side of the door and opens it.

He bends down to be parallel with me at eye level.

He says, "I wouldn't care if you lived in a trailer park, in an apartment complex or on the streets." his eyes gleamed.

"Money or No money. Rich or poor. I don't care about any of that. None of those things defines a person to me." He smiles. "What's in here." he places his hands on my chest and I jump a little from as his hand touches my skin and he laughs softly. "And in here." he touches the side of my head with the tip of his finger. "Are the attributes that make you attractive. You're gorgeous look and nice shape is just a bonus girl."

Damn. Those words are music to my ears. I can't help to wonder if that's how he really feels or if he's just using he charming ways as an easy excess to get in my pants.

He takes his finger and wipes away the tear that was coming down my cheek that I had no idea was there because I was so mesmerized in his beautiful words.

"I'm sorry." I laugh. "How embarrassing."

He grasps my chin in rubs his hand back and forth, "No need to be sorry. I mean, I would've cried too if something like that was told to me." he and I both laugh.

"What an arrogant thing for you to say," I say playfully as I nudge him in his chest.

"How cute." Corrine appears behind Amarillo imitating someone throwing up.

"Not. Can we go in now?" her attitude still evident.

I make sure the car is put in park. I turn the car off before rolling my windows up and taking my keys out of the ignition.

Like a gentleman, Amarillo helps me out of the car and closes my door.

As we're walking to the front door of my house, I hear Corrine say to Casey or Marty, "Now he's all interested in her again because she went all crazy and broke the fucking school property. I bet you she's going to think she's off the hook when she finds out the principal is in relations to him." she snaps.

Instead of snapping back like I normally I decide to ignore her and her comments as I take a deep breath in and out.

The balcony door was already unlocked.

I fumble with my car keys trying to find the right key to unlock the main doors. I know which key is the right key, I'm just terrified of what I might find on the other side of this door. More like who I may find on the other side of this door. 

My mother car is nowhere in sight, but that doesn't mean she's not here her perv ass boyfriend could be driving her car.

Noticing my shaking hands, Amarillo asks "Are you okay?" while grabbing my hand.

"Yeah. I-I-I'm just in a lot of pain and can't quite get the door open." I fumble my words. "Do you mind giving me a hand?"

"Of course." He grabs my keys from my hands and takes over. "Which one is it?"

"That one." I signal to the smallest heart-shaped key on my key ring.

I have eyes in the back of my head, theoretically. I can feel Corrine's eyes on me shooting daggers at the back of my head, she hates me. That's fine though because the feeling is mutual.

"Hurry up," Corrine whines as Amarillo struggles to open the door.

"Chill. He got it." Casey assures her.

"Bingo!" Amarillo shouts when he finally unlocks the door and the door squeaks open as we all file into my home.

Amarillo POV

Naomi first takes her shoes off and sits them neatly on the floor. I can still see this nervous look on her face as she walks into the living room and starts calling out for her mom trying to see if she's home and if she is where is she at in the home.

The rest of us stand by the door completely mesmerized by her home.

As soon as you open the door, you immediately see this white and black straight staircase with motivational phrases, more like rules for the household, visible on each stair as you go up.

There are some beautiful paintings along the walls.

The front rooms decor gives me..... Indian style vibes but I like it. It's very chill.

"She's not here," Naomi announces as she comes back around. 

"Why are you guys still standing why here? You are welcomed to come in, I won't bite." She says playfully.

"You have to take your shoes off though." She adds.

"Great." Casey's voice is strained.

"Why you say it like that Casey?" Marty asks.  "Do you have fat ass golf size holes in your socks again." I can't lie Casey's socks do be having some fat ass holes in them. And his shit always smells like Fritos. Ugh.

"No." Casey's voice is so high-pitched you know he's lying.

"Take your shoes off then." Marry mocks him.

"Find." He sounds so bold but the moment those shoes comes off his feet the stench stands up the whole area and every one faces scrunch up and hands gesture to there nose.

"Damnnnnnnnnnnnn." I exaggerate.

"Put your shoes back on." Marty and I imitate Craig and Smokey from Friday when Red pulled his glasses off and shows them his black eye given to him by Dboe.

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