Chapter one

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"Miss, you can't go over there." the officer yelled at me grabbing my arm to keep me from going further into the crime scene.

Tears had already been dripping down from my face and Sam, my brother was just as broken. " Please it's my parents I want to see what happened." I cried

I felt arms wrap around my shoulders pulling me away from the scene. I trashed around in them trying to get away. "Jade calm down." I heard my brothers voice. He sat me down on a big tree that had been knocked over during a storm. "Mom and dad are gone okay, they got shot muffin." He cried saying my nickname.

I froze as fear swept through me. What are we going to do? I couldn't move or think as my eyes started to water. In my shocked state Sam tried to shake me out of it. "Jade" he repeated my name over and over again.

"Jade!" A screechy voice yelled. I looked up out of my dream state. Mrs. Britt was staring at me with a hand on her hip. "Would you like to tell me the answer to my question." She glared.

" I....Uh....I." I tried to think of what we were talking about in class.

"The answer is twenty-six Mrs. Britt." Darren said from across the class. As the teacher looked away from me to look at him I let out a sigh of relief.

" I don't remember your name being Jade Mr. Smith." The teacher scolded him and went back up to the front of the classroom.

I looked over at Darren and mouthed a thank you when Mrs. Britt made it to the front of the class. He gave me a nod and ran his hands through his black hair. I turned my attention to the clock and waited for the bell. The bell soon rang and Darren came over to my desk.

I grabbed my book bag and walked out the door with Darren right behind me to go meet up with my other best friend. I searched the halls and quickly found the blonde hair and bright smile that I was used to.

Carter walked up and gave me a small hug while waving at Darren. We then strolled down the crowed to leave school.

"Ew watch out he might get his gay glitter on us." Someone snickered at Carter and he shrugged it off.

I rolled my eyes at them and pondered hitting whoever said that, but kept walking.

We walked to the Darren's car and got in. I sat in the back and put my seatbelt on. "So what's the plan for tonight?" Carter asked.

"The party at Ambers house tonight is supposed to be fun. Plus we could snatch a few drinks like some troubled teens." Darren suggested. Amber is a slim, cake faced, brunette with a rude personality and she was royalty at the high school.

"You know what let's do it. I just need to train with Sam and then I will get dressed." I said. Sam and I trained a lot since our parents passed away. The people who had killed them would always leave notes on the porch and sometimes what confused me is they left money.

"You and your training babe it's tiring, but Darren I'm putting you in charge to pick me and Jade up." Carter poked his finger on Darren's shoulder as he pulled out of the parking lot.

I agreed on the plan as we started driving to Carters house. Bored I connected my phone to the cars Bluetooth during the drive and played whatever songs I seen. We soon dropped of carter and I moved to the front seat after saying bye.

Darren and I sat in silence until he broke it, "So jade I was thinking and they just opened that restaurant downtown and I wanted me and you to go sometime like a date." He looked over nervously.

"Any date with you would make my heart explode." I boldly said.

We sat in silence after that except for the music faintly playing in the background. Then he reached and grabbed my hand. We intertwined our fingers until he pulled into my driveway and I got out of the car saying my goodbyes to Darren and went inside.

As I entered the house I seen Sam sitting on the couch watching a movie. I passed him and went upstairs to my room. Maybe training isn't on his mind today.

I opened my closet looking for a dress for tonight. I picked up a dress with a sparkly silver top that turned into a flowy black bottom and laid it on my bed. I got a pair of black heels and put them on the floor next to the bed.

My bedroom opened with a loud creak and I turned to find Sam at the entrance. He walked in and looked at the dress on my bed.

"Plans tonight?" he questioned.

"Yeah, we can still train if you want." I suggested. He sighed and went to sit on the bed next to the dress. He looked over at my dresser and his eyes trailed up the picture of our parents.

I noticed his down mood as he sat and looked at the picture in grief. I went over and put it face down so he would feel better.

"Nineteen, I was nineteen and I knew I would take care of us both but in reality it was so we could protect each other." Sam frowned "I think something is wrong muffin and we are going to need protection."

He stood up and pulled a gun from his waistband and handed it to me. We know how to use a gun because dad had taught us. I have a feeling dad and mom always knew that their killers would come for them and they made us bank accounts with money plus the making us train day after day.

"I agree we need this Sam." I reassured him. Even though I was younger than Sam he always leaned on me when he needed to for advice and I do the same to him.

"I put one under your bed" He said then without another word walked out.

I picked up a book on my need and read it until I needed to get ready.

When it was time to get ready I collected myself and I took a shower. After that I put on my dress that felt a little itchy.

I took my makeup and applied it to myself. I never was one to use much makeup but, some occasions need it. I finished after putting my hair into a side braid and took a look in my bathroom mirror. I looked good enough for the party so I went outside to wait for the boys.

When they pulled up I hoped in the back seat. "Oh is that a goddess." Carter gasped looking at me.

I smiled shaking my head and off we went to the party. Ambers house wasn't to far away so the drive ended quickly. We pulled up to her white house that had a pink mailbox. Music poured out into the streets from the house and neon lights flashed inside.

We got out of the car and walked past drunk crazed teens walking into the house. The music was loud and it smelled like sweaty alcohol. Carter ran off towards beer pong as I followed Darren to the kitchen.

He picked up a cup and poured a brown liquid into it then handed it to me and filled one up for himself. We said a quick "cheers" and downed the liquor.

The song 'Gold digger' by Kanye west started playing through the speakers. Me and Darren smiled at each other and went to where everyone was gathered dancing. We started singing the lyrics and stupidly pointing at each other.

Carter soon found us and we stood in a circle dancing and singing. A tap on my shoulder interrupted our dancing. I turned to see a man that obviously wasn't our age. He looked in his thirty's maybe older. He had on a grey shirt that had some stain on it and black pants.

I gave him a mean look and he held out a note near me. Before letting me take the note he leaned towards me. "You better run for your own sake." he said in my ear and walked off.

Suddenly scared I dragged Darren and carter to the car. I told them what he said and I showed them the note.

"Show us what it says" Darren said sternly.

I uncrumpled the paper as they leaned near me to see what it said. The note had a red stain on the bottom of it and it said 'I know where you are darling and I promise you will suffer the same fate your parents did under my same rules.'

Hey lovelies, so I definitely started it off with a big change and I hope you enjoyed it.

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