Chapter six

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We end up sharing rooms in the house. Me and Darren are sleeping in Brandon's room since he offered it. My gut told me that would start drama. Carter of course shares a room with Ryan and they get it alone. Kevin let Sam stay in his room since Ashton and Jacob were already sharing a room. The twins stay at home with their parents so they don't have a room.

All of us are sitting in the living room or kitchen as Kevin cooks. While waiting, I decided to go rent a movie.

Jacob and Ashton agreed to go and went to go get their shoes.

"Hey guys, we have to be home soon. So, we are going to leave too." One of the twins said at the door.

Everyone yelled a goodbye and the twins left. Jacob and Ashton ran down the stairs and went outside ready to go. I grabbed Darren to give him a peck on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said back and I left. I got outside and it was pouring. I didn't mind it much as I enjoyed the soothing sound.

When we got in the car that Kevin owned and I asked how old they were out if curiosity. They told me they are both sixteen. I thought they were younger from their appearance. Especially Ashton.

We all ended up talking about random things and I learned that most of the kids in the house dropped out of school. I kind of felt pity as they told me the reason they dropped out was because they had to when threats were being sent towards them.

After a drive full of chapter I pulled up to a store for the movies. We go and pick out a horror movie thinking that would be something everyone liked and started to head back to the house.

We all started humming to the radio and starting to chat again. I really started to get used to their company already. It felt refreshing.

As I am driving a black van swerves in front of us. I run off the side of the road trying to dodge it and the car slid as I try not to wreak.

My car kept going and now off of the road it ran through some wooded area until we crashed into a tree. My head slammed on the steering wheel causing pain to erupt. I should have worn a stupid seatbelt.

A few seconds go by and I turn around to the boys to see if they are okay. They stared at me in fear and I tried to tell them it's alright.

The back car doors opened and a few seconds later my door was opened. Jacob and Ashton had opened it and Grabbed onto me to help me out.

Before I could step out men and women came from behind them. They dragged them away from me and held them back.

The van was behind them and the door opened. I sat in fear of what would happen. First a man stood out and then two men followed him out of the van dragging the twins. How did they get them?

The man that stepped out first came over to me. "Hello, I assumed it was time for us to meet." He smiled wickedly.

I got chills crawling down my spine as he got even closer. "My finger may have slipped on the trigger." He said and I knew right away who he was. The one who killed my parents.

I started grinding my teeth in anger and he laughed. He grabbed my arm and roughly dragged me out of the car. I fell on the ground from the force and tried to get up.

While trying to get up he out his boot on my back keeping me down. "I have a little present for you Jade." He waved a guy over and was given a phone.

It made no sense until he talked to someone on the phone. "Put her present on the screen." he said and then removed his shoe from my back to kneel down to me.

He put the phone in my face and it showed everyone back at home tied up. It was on a skype call showing everyone. Some people looked as if they were beaten up. I found Darren on the screen and the sight made me even more mad.

Even through the phone I could see they had been hurting him. Blood on his face made my heart break. "Leave them alone." I gritted through my teeth to the people on the phone.

That seemed to encourage them and they inched towards people. A girl was close to Sam with a knife.

"Make him bleed."

The girl followed orders and drove the knife into his leg. I winched as he grunted from the impact and started to feel angry. Cut out with this I tried to make up a plan in my head.

Since the guy was distracted telling orders to people on the phone I got the chance to turn and punch him. He stood up shocked and I got up. I went straight to him and jumped on his back. I really didn't think this through.

One of his men came and forced me off of him. Once he forced me off I elbowed him in the stomach making him lean down. I kicked his face and he stepped back from the force.

I ran over to Ashton as fast as I could and grabbed a gun from the man that was holding him. I instantly aimed it at my parents murderer ready to end him.

"Now, that isn't smart." He said, but he held his hands up.

"Let them go." I tried to sound threating.

"I think you are costing a life right now." He said then gave a nod to someone behind. A shot fired from behind me.

Everything happened so fast at once as I turned around. Jack fell lifeless to the ground and his twin cried out a "No." In the moment I shot the guy that had the other twin. He dropped down and Nathan ran to his twin crying.

"No." He repeated crying. Ashton took action and flipped around to grab the guy behind him. Everything was happing so fast. I then got grabbed by the leader.

"Tragic." He said holding me. I have never hated someone more than this. "Show the group on the other end." He said to someone.

A guy walked over and put the camera on me. "Don't act out or," He pointed the camera to the twins "This will happen."

I heard curses and cries coming from the other end of the phone. This is all my fault. I looked over at Jacob and Ashton and mouthed a sorry.

They gave me a reassuring look showing they weren't mad at me. The guy hung up the phone and they pushed us into the black van.

Scared of what was going to happen I cried in the back of the van. Nathan lost his twin and it's my fault.

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