Chapter thirteen

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For the next few days everything seemed so peaceful. We still trained on things and improved our skills, but everything else felt normal.

Right now we were about to start training in the backyard. Most of us picked up on each others skills and used them as our own.

Kevin had taught me the most out of things we learned. Sam taught me more through my life, but with Kevin's help I feel unstoppable.

Today we are focusing on our main skills that we use against an enemy.

I put on some music and went up first. "All right guys, first thing is try to pick up on your enemies personality. It gives you an advantage if you can find their weaknesses."

"And try to let them make the first move so, you can dodge them and take control." Sam added.

"Jacob." I motion for him to come over to me.

While he was off guard walking over I run up to him. I take him down and he let out a small scream of surprise.

When I got back up I tried again and he swiftly dodged me. I almost ran into Darren, but I turned back around.

We kept going for a few more times before he got the hang of my tactics.

Then the part I was waiting for came up. Sam and Kevin were standing across from each other. For some reason it made me excited to see who would win. Both of them being our role models made us all anticipated to see who would win.

They circled each other in a fighting stance. Then Sam tried to punch him. Kevin caught his hand just in time before he could get hit.

Sam made a huff and then backed up. They went at each other and thrown fake punches. Then Sam swept him from the ground by kicking under his legs.

Kevin fell and Sam started doing fake kicks. He then rolled over and Sam followed. He pulled Sam down when he got close enough and they kept trying to keep the other opponent on the ground.

Neither could get back up as they just pulled each other down so I yelled out. "Tie."

They got up and laughed while brushing leaf's off themselves.

We then set up cans and targets to shoot at. We had several different weapons, but I went with a cross bow while they picked out guns.

When I was younger I loved shooting at targets with my old cross bow. Something about it just made me happy when I let my fingers slip from the string.

After that we went for a run and got back home in about an hour.

All of us took a shower and ate dinner and then we pulled out a bunch of games.

"I want to play that one." I pointed at a game that was titled 'Who's most likely to...".

Everybody agreed and we looked at the directions. "In each round a card is drawn and the group decides who in the group is most likely to whatever the card says and the person with seven cards first loses." Kevin read out loud.

We all sat in a circle with the cards in the middle and we choose Kevin to read them to everybody.

"Who always tries to convince their friends to do drugs with them?"

I looked over at Brandon and he took the card.

"The next one says the person would sit at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green."

"That should go to Ashton." Jacob laughed.

"Whatever." Ashton took the card and and we listened to the next one.

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