Chapter fourteen

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Abagail's P.O.V

Brandon opened up his whole world to me. He started with a story about his friend Ryan being in what was like a gang. He eventually got to the subject of new people they met along they way.

One girl he spoke about made me jealous. He explained her as strong and caring. He talked about her the most and told me her name is Jade. He even showed me a picture of her and him at a party.

She has a boyfriend named Darren which made me feel better knowing that she has no interest in Brandon. Apparently they are inseparable. Ride or die kind of love. I was mostly jealous that she was a such a big part of the world I so badly wanted to be in with Brandon.

"Can I meet them?" I asked.

He thought to himself for a moment before answering. "Yeah. Maybe tomorrow."

I smiled and happily hugged him. He looked down at his watch while I gave him the hug and told me it was time to go because it was really late, so we got our shoes and left.

I planned on staying the night with him tomorrow. Only problem is I will have to make up a story to my parents.

So, when I got home I seen my parent's up waiting for me.

"Hey hun, How was bowling?" My mom asked.

"It was great. I got asked if I could have a sleepover with everyone tomorrow actually."

"Oh, that sounds fun. Who asked you?"

"My friend Sydney." I made up the name.

"Well, you should go." My dad urged. With that I left the room and went to my room.

Knowing I never hang gout with many people they seemed happy for me. I always was a person with not many friends. I like to keep to myself most of the time.

I got a chime from my cell phone and looked at the screen. Brandon's name with hearts showed.

'I told people I found a girl that I like.'

Brandon always told people that he was going around with a bunch of girls and sleeping with them, but he actually just went up to girls and asked them to fake it.

I always have hated it and still don't completely understand why he does it. He told me it was so they wouldn't be suspicious that he has a girlfriend.

I let out a frustrated noise thinking about it. I know he thinks not showing me off and pretending he is hooking up other girls will keep me out of his 'dangerous' life. I absolutely hate it.

Now that he is going to not do it anymore I felt all the anger be replaced with glee. Finally I am going to known as his girlfriend and he won't have to pretend he is sleeping with a bunch of girl's.

I text him that I was going to sleep and tucked myself into my bed. I then went to sleep thinking about tomorrow.

Jade's P.O.V

The next morning we sat in the kitchen spilling tea about Brandon. Last night he told some people in the group that he liked someone. I assumed he just found another girl to sleep with, but it turns out he actually wants to settle down.

"Actually, I have a secret." Brandon said.

"Oh really now?" Kevin raised his eyebrow.

"I have been with her for a lot longer."

My blood boiled as I thought about the poor girl. "So you have been cheating on her?!"

"That's the point. I haven't actually been sleeping with people."

I laughed and so did Darren next to me which caused everyone else to laugh with us. Brandon? The biggest player out of all of us lied about sleeping with girls? Funny one.

Brandon kept a straight face as we laughed. Wait, he is being serious?

"You aren't joking?" Ryan asked.

"Nope. I faked all of it."

"Why?" Kevin questioned him.

"I didn't want her involved. If she is with me then it adds another person on Rick's hit list."

In a way it seemed sweet. I looked over at Darren. Should I have done that for him and carter? I felt guilty noticing I was the reason they were here. I dragged them into danger. Which proved Brandon to be stronger than I am because at least he didn't drag people down with him.

"What changed your mind?" Kevin asked.

"She never let's the subject go. She pushed me all the time to become part of everything. It made me feel bad." He paused and looked down at the counter as if fixated on it. "I still won't bring her in it, but she deserves to meet you all."

"Did you tell her anything?" Sam asked.

"I told her everything."

Kevin's facial expression turned into anger and so did Sam's.

Before they could say anything Brandon said "She is a part of my life. I can't hide her away anymore."

I gave him a reassuring nod knowing how it felt. I always wanted Darren to be a part of my life. Even if I should have been less selfish I brought him with me and I should regret it but I don't think I do. I could never keep thing's from him.

Blue walked in and scratched at Jacobs lap whining. Ashton suggested they should take them out so they went outside with Blue.

"What is her name?" I asked Brandon.

"Abagail." He smiled saying her name. "She is coming over today."

"Uh, when did you decide not to ask me?" Kevin gave a stern look.

"Can she come?" Brandon asked.

Me and Darren started laughing. I used to do that to Sam all the time. Darren would always come over without me asking Sam and he would get so mad about it. Sam shook his head next to us as he understood why we laughed.

"When is she coming?" Kevin asked.

"Later tonight."

"Let's fix up the house." Carter said cheerfully. He always loved making things look good. I know he is probably going to have a whole makeover to the house.

"I will help him and you guy's can go get ready." Ryan said holding onto Carter.

I listened to him and went to the room to get ready. After looking around for a little bit I seen Brandon stared at his clothes frustrated.

"Need help?"

"Yes." I giggled and went over to help him. I picked out some jeans and a nice fitting t-shirt.

"I've seen her so many times, but this feels different."

"Well, it won't hurt to look good." I smiled.

He filled me in that she is staying the night and told me not to tell Kevin or Sam. I let him know I wouldn't say anything by acting like I was zipping up my lips.

Darren walked in "Why are you doing that?" He asked looking at me 'zipping' my lips. I shrugged and walked away from Brandon to grab clothes for a shower and I gave Darren a quick kiss.


Later on everything was ready. I made some food for when Abagail was here and Carter made the house look nice. It is kind of funny thinking Ryan was this way when they waited for Carter and us to get here.

Everyone was prepared for her arrival and we waited for the door bell to ring. So, when we heard a ding we all stood up and went to the door.

Brandon stood at the door and took a big breath before opening it. I hope this goes well.

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