Chapter five

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I stared up at Carter as we waited for him to talk to us. He started rubbing his hands together and took a deep breath.

"I have a friend that lives not to far from here." He paused "Well more than a friend, a lover I guess. He is quite charming and has friends that are dealing with their own battle. After texting him for a while I noticed we are up against the same people. I think we should group up together."

Shock entered my face. I reeled in all of the information he told us and my mouth dropped.

"Wait, How are they caught up with the people we are dealing with and why in the hell didn't you tell me you like someone!" I said.

"He was forced to work for the leader once, and he was set on a mission to find Sam and you, but that was before his friends found him and helped him escape. He said they live in a house that is off the maps so, they can't be found."

"How long have you known about this?" I questioned.

"I just found out about it." He sighed. "He faked liking me at first so he could capture you, but then fell in love. I they would be good to team up with."

I didn't trust it one bit but, a tug at my heart for Carter made me want to join them. "I will talk Sam into it tomorrow."

"Thank you." He got up and left.

"Let's go back." I said to Darren. He agreed and we got our clothes back on and went to our tent.

We lay down tired in the tent cuddled together. Darren took his hand and ran his fingers trough my tangled blonde hair. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whisper back and drift off into a dark oblivion.

The next morning I wake up with my face stuffed in a warm pillow. I wrap my leg around the big pillow in peace. My pillow started moving so I opened my eyes. Shit, the pillow is Darren. I move off of him and sit up. "You didn't have to get off. I was enjoying that." He sleepily said.

The tent zips open to show Carter outside of it. "I talked to Sam and told him everything and he thinks it is too dangerous." He said.

"I will take care of it." I got out of the tent determined to change Sam's opinion. I found Sam taking down his tent and walk up to him.

"He can give us inside information." I started.

Sam sighed in frustration while still working with the tent. He probably knew I would argue about it to him.

"No, it's reckless to go there."

"He has friends that helped him ESCAPE. He left the place to get away because he was forced there." I argued.

"That could be a lie." He argued back.

"So, what? This is our chance to end this torment." I cried out. "Think about it. If we are led to who killed our parents we can end them. They think we are weak kids and we aren't."

Darren and carter walked up behind me. "We need to fight back." I said.

He finally looked over at me. He started for a moment before shaking his head.

"Carter get this kid's address." He looked at me and Darren,"You two help me pack up." I cheered along with Carter and we both gave Sam a hug. It was a lot more easy than I would have guessed to change his mind. Maybe he just wanted this over as much as I did.

When we were done everyone got in the car. I sat in the back with Darren. Carter had the address in the navigation and it read as an hour long trip.

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