Chapter Eight

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We all sat around the bed Sam Is laying on except Nathan. He made a note about Jack the morning after and went home. He told us he didn't want any part of this so we understood and told him to stay home.

I watched Carter lay his head on Ryan as they comforted each other before Ryan spoke to us about when he worked for Rick. After what happened we all decided we had to fight back. We buried Jack and planned on having a memorial for him.

"He has lot's of people working for him. I made a few friends in there." Ryan said.

I assumed not everyone that worked for Rick wanted to. I think most of them are in the situation Ryan was.

"He has a girl that is in charge with him named Anne. She is his daughter." I felt bad for anyone that would have to be related to him.

"Do you have any idea why they are after us?" Sam asked.

"They are after me because I left. I never figured out why he was after you and Jade. I just thought it was money, but now that I know you it makes me wonder."

"It had something to do with our parents. He killed them and we don't know why." I added.

I tried to think of reasons he would kill my parents. Nothing told me they did something to him. Darren put his hand on my back. I leaned into him for reassurance.

"They stay at a mansion about a few hours away from here." Kevin said.

"How did Ryan even escape?" Darren asked.

"Get comfortable. I have a lot to share." Ryan said then started to tell us his story.

Ryan's P.OV.

I held the phone to my ear and whispered the address to Kevin. I need out of this hell hole.

The door opened and Anne walked in. "My father was looking for you."

"What does he need?" I said stressed.

"He want's an update on Carter."

I walked past her and walked to Rick's office. Carter started to mean something to me. At first it was a plan to get him to betray the people Rick is after. I talked to him to get information and I started learning lot's of things.

I started calling him late at night when there was no need. I told myself it could help for more information, but I liked him. The more I talked to him the worse I wanted out of this place. The more we talked I wanted to be with him.

Only having a few hours left I would be away soon and i would tell him the truth. I wondered if he would still love me.

I turned the doorknob to Rick's office and stepped in.

"You needed me?" I questioned.

"Yes, update me on Carters friends." he interlaced his fingers and set them down on his desk.

I tried to think of a way to give as little of information as I could. "He said they plan on going to a party tonight. He didn't tell me where."

He did tell me. I wasn't going to put him in any danger if I could avoid it.

"We can figure that out. Tonight is the perfect time to send one of my men down." He paused and rubbed his chin. "I will send my men with a note to give them."

He pulled out a pen and paper. He wrote down 'I know where you are darling and I promise you will suffer the same fate your parents did under my same rules.'

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