Chapter four

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I feel a cold sensation all over me and hear a groan from Darren. Then I hear laughing. I start shaking from the cold as opening my eyes. Sam and Carter stood beside the bed dying of laughter.

I look down on the drenched bed and notice pieces of ice all over me and Darren. These assholes. "You could have just woke us up instead of pouring ice water all over us." I glare at them.

"Well I hated how comfy you two looked." Sam said shrugging.

Mad I got up and Darren did too. Looking at us Darren and Carter start to laugh again. In the heat of the moment I grab Darren and rush to the bathroom locking the door behind us and turn on the shower.

"Jade!" Sam knocks on the door. Ha, who is mad now! A few seconds later I hear the door knob being picked. Then the door opens and Sam walks in angry. "That is way over the line." He says.

I stand behind Darren shivering. "Well, don't pour cold water on us." I argue.

"I said you guys could date, but I did not say you two could be sleeping together." He points his finger at us.

I move from behind Darren and walk up to Sam. "You do not get to tell me what to do. I am almost eighteen and you aren't dad so don't act like it." As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it.

Sam stood quiet for a minute then looked down at the floor "That doesn't mean I won't take care of you like how he did."

Guilt poured into me as his expression was saddened. knowing I had to find a way to make up for it I started with trying to apologize for it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. I just want some freedom of my own."

"It is okay. I'm going to go check us out of the hotel, I will meet you in the car." And with that he walked out of the room.

"Awkward." Carter implies and follows the way Sam went.

Darren faces me and kisses my cheek "Take a quick shower while I change and I will meet you outside." He leaves the bathroom.

I take a shower then everyone packs into the car and we went to grab something to eat.

About two hours later we make it to a camping site and we put out some tents. Coming here was awkward the whole time with Sam. I really wish I could have taken back what I said.

We all start to put up our total of two tents then I hear a noise in the bushes near us.

I slowly start inching towards the noise nervously. A baby bunny hops out causing me to slightly jump. Carter comes next to me gasping and moving towards the bunny. It gets scared and hops away as fast as it could.

"Damn it carter." I slap his shoulder.

"Whoops." He says.

I go back to me and Darren's tent to finish putting it up. Me and him finish before Sam and carter so we start putting big logs around in a circle and we put sticks in the middle of it for a camp fire.

By the time we finished we trained a little and it became dark so I lit up the campfire. Everybody sat down on the logs that me and Darren put up and I joined sitting next to Darren.

We soon started roasting marshmallows' for smores. "We should make a toast." Carter suggests. "I will start." He adds.

"I know a toast sounds stupid but, I think it's perfect. We have no idea what is going to happen and I wanted to put it out that you guys are family to me. We can get through anything with each other and I love that. Also I would like to hashtag this toast. Hashtag I am gay for you all." He smiled.

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