Chapter twenty-three

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Warning their will be violence in this chapter!

They led me down the stairs of a basement while carrying Darren. They ended up stopping at a cell and opened it. I watched as men carried Darren in the cell and sat him down in the back corner to chain him up.

All I wanted to was help him, but I was unable to. I was scared of what would happen to us. Chills spread down me body at thoughts of death.

Darren started to open his eyes once he was completely chained. When his eyes finally did open they landed on me.

"Angel." He said quietly.

I didn't know what to say. I froze and stayed staring at him until Anne dragged me to a cell across from his. She pushed me in and closed the cell. I wasn't chained up like Darren thankfully. I hope that comes as an advantage.

Rick stood in between our cells and smiled at us. Before he could say anything his phone rang and he picked it up.

He yelled a harsh "What!" Into it then he paused listening to the person on the other end.

He then had another smile on his face and said, "Bring him down."

A few moments later footsteps caught everyone's attention. Nathan. He pulled onto a chained that was tied around Ryan's wrist. How did he get here.

"Glad to see a member of my own is back." Rick said.

One of the men standing near my cell gave him a sad look and went to open Darren's cell. Ryan walked in and they closed it behind him.

Anne walked up to their cell and wrapped her small hands around the bars. "You know I'm glad I have a sister to share stuff with." She eyed Darren.

Darren rolled his eyes at her showing he had no interest. I tried not to care, but couldn't help feeling jealous as she turned around and smiled at me.

I had anger that coursed through me thinking about her with Darren. I started to look for a way out and came up with nothing. The only option was begging to be let go.

"Let us go." I said and started to shake on the cell bars.

"Poor Jade. You never know what to do." Rick mocked me.

I watched him as he got closer towards me. He put his face up to mine and was about to speak, but I reached through the bars and slammed his head into them.

He groaned in pain and pulled back. His nose started to bleed and Anne came near me. She pulled out a Taser and reached through the bar to zap me.

It was my turn to jump back. The shock went through me in a wave causing me to shake then just like that it was gone.

I watched as Rick took a whip from one of his men's hands and went in Darren's cell with the man who was looking sadly at Ryan earlier. The man seemed to know Ryan as he grabbed him without struggle.

Rick went over to Darren and ripped his shirt. His back was in view and he put his head down as Rick held up the whip. Before he swung it down I caught his attention with a scream.


He then turned back to Darren and struck him. Darren winced at the contact with his head still down. I let out a cry of agony for him.

"Hurt me instead." I yell.

Rick ignores me and hits Darren again. I cried put as I watched him in pain.

"I loved her." Rick said and hit Darren again. His chest puffed out as he looked over Darren's back. He dropped the whip after that and put his back against the wall.

"It felt like more than love. It brought me strong young girl that was taken away from me." A small tear fell from Ricks eye.

"When she ran off with some other man and her other child I lost myself. She took my old life with her and didn't care. She came up with the name Jade with her past lover not caring whose child it was." He paused and took a long stare at me.

Before continuing he sighed and looked at the ground, "I wanted her back, so I waited until the time was right. When the chance finally came I shot him and she cried in my arms. I thought it meant she still loved me, but she took the gun out of my hand and ended her life."

Tears streamed down my face as I found out the truth. My mom took herself out and left me and Sam alone. I started to cry harder as Rick left Darren's cell and stood outside mine.

"You and Anne are my only hope." He said.

"You lost me the moment you pulled the trigger." I seethed out.

The man was a monster no matter what he tried to say. He killed people. Dad, Jack, Jacob and whoever else. I could never feel bad for him as he ruined everyone's life around him.

He left the room with Anne and the guards. I looked blankly at the ground. I wish Sam was here. He would tell me it would be okay and I really don't know if it will be. I sunk down to the floor in fear.

"Jade." I heard a weak voice call.

I looked up to see Darren staring at me. Tears still fell from my face as i gave him a saddened look.

"Darren I love you." I cried.

Before he could respond Ryan cut in. "It isn't over. the group has a plan." We looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"I was only a distraction. Carter and Ashton are in the building right now informing the others of a sneak attack."

Hope. I started laughing in happiness as tears still ran down my face. We were going to make it through this.

Ryan went over to Darren and helped him get the chains off. They then stood at the bars of their cell looking at me. I stood up and we waited together.

We stood until a ringing sound went off in the building and footsteps came into the room. I looked over and everybody walked in.

Carter, Kevin, Sam, Ashton, And even Brandon came with Abagail. I smiled as they let us out of the cells and I went to hug Sam as soon as mine opened.

"Sam." I cried, "Mom was the reason for his own death after Dad passed away."

He pulled back at me with a shocked expression. He then wiped my tears on my face. "We will talk about it later Muffin."

I couldn't help, but smile at the nickname and he handed me a shotgun. I took it and grabbed my crossbow from Carter.

Darren came and stood beside me. Then we all walked up the stairs and walked along the house shooting whoever came in sight.

We entered the huge, empty living room and Rick stood with his very few men left ready to fight. I stood with my family in a line ready for whatever they threw at us. We were back together as a group again and we were ready this time.

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