Chapter sixteen

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Abagail had no choice, but to stay with us. We tried our best to teach her things about fighting. She didn't fit in well when it came to that part.

"That's a terrible idea." I hear as I walk downstairs.

I went to the voices and found Brandon speaking to Sam. "I will not make her."

"You don't have to make me." Abagail said and grabbed Kevin's laptop.

Kevin looked at her. "You don't know the passcode."

Abagail ignored him and started typing in things. Guessing Kevin's password would be impossible. Trust me I've tried.

She turned the laptop to us and showed that she had gotten into it.

"How did yo-" Kevin got cut off.


I grinned at her reply. Maybe, we don't need her to fight. Instead we could let her be our brain in the operation.

She started typing stuff and we all watched her. A map then popped up on the screen and a red dot started swirling around on it. The dot soon stopped and she pointed at it.

"I figured out how to track them." She said.

We all looked at each other. At this point we had an advantage Rick didn't know about. All we have to do now is play our cards right.

I looked at the red dot on the screen again and grabbed a pen. Kevin brought me a piece of paper and I wrote down the address so we won't forget.

I let my mind take me back to how Nathan betrayed us. I can't make myself mad at him. He was angry and hurt. Hell, he lost what mattered most to him.

When we go on this death path I hope we can bring him back with us. I frowned at the thought that he would be forever lost in his own agony.

"What's wrong?" Darren said soothingly.

I shook my head and gave him a small smile. He gave me a questioning look, but said nothing else.

I turned my attention to Brandon and Abagail to stalk their conversation. Brandon's stress shown through his face and he made displeased hums.

"I told you I could help." Abagail crossed her arms.

I swear they never stop arguing. Sometimes it even made me stressed. I took a glance at Darren to see what he was doing.

He stood talking to Carter and he seemed annoyed. Carter always could find a way to pinch Darren's nerves. Seeing them act like how they used to made me smile. I felt happiness wash over me at the thought and then it filled with dread.

I wish we could go back. I just want one more normal day, but here we are getting ready for another battle.

None of us had to say anything. We all knew it was time to fight back. After we had the address it was obvious.

"It's time." I said.

Everybody in the room seemed to become tense because they knew what I meant. We formed in a circle and started a plan.


The Dark outside set the mood for what we planned. My blonde hair was hidden under a black cap and my entire outfit is black. Same goes for the rest of the group.

We had just parked and got out of the car a couple miles from the address. I looked down went I felt something rub on me.

Blue. Jacob had brought him along with us. Blue would help attack anything that came after us. I leaned down to pet him behind his ear and then Darren tapped me on the shoulder.

"Take this." He held out a grenade. I took it and Kevin ordered us to start moving forward.

We started to walk trough the trees and we kept walking till we found a big house. Two people stood outside in the front with guns talking. We stalked down and hid.

I took a big gulp as Sam pulled out his silencer and I got my crossbow in place after gently setting down the grenade. Someone counted down for us and we took our shot. The bodies fell and I lowered my cross bow.

After waiting to make sure it was safe we headed to the house quietly. Reaching the house we all put our backs against the house.

Ryan peeked into the doors small window and looked back at me "Use the grenade when I open the door."

He grabbed the door handle and I got into my place. As he pulled the door open I pulled off the ring and as soon as I could see people I threw it as far as I could.

I moved away behind the house before we heard the explosion. Sam took the lead and went inside holding his gun up.

We followed his lead and walked in behind him. Smoke was filled in the room as people started to come in. I pulled out my crossbow and aimed at anyone that came in my way.

I searched around the room for Rick, but seen Nathan instead. His face showed shock as his eyes landed on me.

My arrow was pointed at him and ready to fly across the room. He shook his head at me in a pleaded way. I put stopped aiming and got tackled to the ground from my side.

I flew to the ground with someone's body on top of mine. I grunted when we landed on the floor and the man that made us fall started to fight me.

He threw a punch at me and I screamed at the contact. He laughed and then he got shot in the head. His body slumped down on me and I pushed him off.

I looked in the direction the gun wound had came from. Sam had shot him and made sure I was okay before we went back to fighting. I ran around trying to be careful.

"Quite an entrance." I heard someone yell.

My eyes searched for the evil voice before it landed on Rick. He looked so calm considering the situation we were in.

He grinned and came closer to me. I held my crossbow up at him and his grin became wider.

"Look around. You are losing." He said and put his hand behind his back.

I didn't want to turn my back on my enemy, but I looked around me.

I watched Darren being dragged by two men and most of my friend were getting beat up. The last person my eyes landed on was Jacob. A gun was being held to him and my nerves immediately went up.

The man shot him and Jacob whined in horror. Blue then ran and jumped onto the guy. He viciously tore into his leg until he fell the he went straight for his neck.

Jacob still stood up gripping his shoulder trying to stop the blood. I wanted to help, but I couldn't move my weapon away from Rick.

Then it didn't matter because hands grabbed me and took my bow. I tried to grab something off the person that grabbed me. Anything.

I struggled in his hold looking for something to end him with, but he started dragging me where they took Darren.

I cried for help as I tugged against him. He seemed unfazed by my attempts and kept dragging me.

I gave my last look to Jacob as he held his shoulder a man grabbed him an then something was put on my face.

I refused to take a breath and tried to pried it off me. I started to need air as I struggled and couldn't resist to take a breath.

I instantly felt dizzy and the arms let go of me. I stumbled to help Jacob as my vision started going dark. The last thought I had before falling was hoping everyone would make it through this.

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