Chapter seven

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I felt the van come to a stop. All I could think is that we were fucked. I tried breaking out of the rope they wrapped around my hand, but failed.

The van door opened and people started dragging everyone out. I struggled to break free from their grip as they made us walk to Ryan's house. When we got to the door they opened it and my eyes laid on Sam.

Not ever, have I seen him this vulnerable. I was pushed towards them and they made me kneel down in front of everybody. They took Ashton and Jacob to sit on the floor next to everybody.

"She is the reason for the death. Who wants her to pay?" My parents killer said to the group. His voice sounded dark and his personality matched it.

"It wasn't her fault. You are the one that got him killed." Darren yelled at the man. He put on a brave posture basically asking for the man to hurt me.

The man walked up to him and got in his face. "No, I did him a mercy. The same mercy I gave to the young girls parents." He looked back at me then turned back around. I felt sick as he let those words escape him. I wanted to cry from guilt and anger.

"When I get my hands on you I won't show any mercy." Darren seethed out.

The man laughed. "I like you." pausing he then said, "What is your name."

Darren said nothing. I watched him as he glared at the man.

"My name is Rick. Now tell me yours or I will kill your sweet Jade."

Darren told him his name and Rick kept talking. I zoned out of the conversation to focus on a way out. My eyes landed on Sam. He could barely keep his head up from the blood loss. I need to think faster.

I looked around the room and then Kevin caught my attention. He showed me a slight silver in his hand. A knife. He has been cutting the rope he is tied in.

I looked for anything sharp around me. Beside me was a switch blade that one of the men dropped while we were trying to get free of their grip.

I started to act as if I was about to fall and then I landed on the floor. I quickly grabbed the knife and hid it in my hands causing a tiny pain in my palm.

"What are you doing." One of the men asked.

"I got dizzy. My head got hit hard, I can't sit right." I made up an excuse. The man rolled his eyes and I started cutting the rope when he looked away. The blade cut my hand as I kept trying to make the rope break. I tried to be as quiet as possible. Soon enough the rope broke and I looked at Kevin.

I gave him a slight nod telling him now was the time to take action and we both sprung up. I went for the guy that rolled his eyes and stabbed him in his lower back. Kevin went for Rick and held him with the knife up to his throat.

"Nobody move or he dies." Kevin said. The men froze as their leader was being held against his will. I made an internal cheer of happiness.

I took this opportunity and started untying our friends. Brandon was the first person I got to and set free. He stood and helped me as people yelled at Kevin to let Rick go. I went to Sam last and tried to help him up but he sank back down on the chair.

"Come on." I urged. Fear cursed through me at the sight of him like this.

He tried to get up, but couldn't stand. Brandon came over and lifted him up with me and we passed people to sit him on the stairs.

A gunshot got my attention pulled away from Sam. A guy had his gun pointed at Kevin and he was the one who shot at him.

All hell went loose once Kevin let go of Rick. People started fist fighting and trying to cut each other.

"Go help, I will stay with Sam." Brandon said.

I said my thanks and ran over to Kevin. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"He missed. The bullet flew right past me." He said and we went to help everyone. I walked around trying to help, but nobody needed help. We were winning. My eyes trailed around to look for Rick.

He stood by the door and made slight eye contact with me before running out the house. I chased after him and he ran into his van.

Before I could stop him he pulled off and left. He left his own fight. He knew he was as good as dead so he ditched.

I went back inside to find everyone had finished Ricks team off. Brandon came up to me.

"Kevin took Sam upstairs to tend to his wound. Me and Jacob are going to take care of the bodies." He said.

Darren then came up to me and hugged me. "Oh thank god, you are okay."

I pulled back to lean up and kiss him and he winced. "I'm kind of sore." He said. I looked at his beaten up face and got angry.

"He will get what he deserves." I said about Rick.

Crying from the room caught me and Darren's attention. Nathan. He sat with his hands covering his face surrounded by Ashton and Jacob.

They sat rubbing his back for comfort. Rick caused not only Sam and I loss but now, Nathan too. I walked over to them. My heart panged at the thought of what he was going through. I frowned down at him as sadness coursed through me.

"I know it hurts, I'm sorry." I said.

"I have to tell my parents something." He cried.

"Make a fake note saying he left. You can't tell them what happened."

"Why?" He asked.

"They would get the police involved and we can't do that." I kneeled down. "Take time to greave then write the note."

"Okay." He said then got up and went upstairs. Ashton and Jacob followed him upstairs.

I started to clean up the mess in the house with Darren. Rick is going to pay for this. No matter what happens I will make sure he suffers.

All I question now is what started all of this. Why did he start by killing my parents? Why is he killing kid's? Many more questions flowed trough my head. I'm going to get answers and I am going to end this.

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