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Carter sat next to me at lunch and started to gossip. My eyes trailed over to the jocks walking our way and I visibly tensed up.

Carter noticed and looked at them coming up to us.

"Hey fag." One of them said.

Carter didn't reply at his comment and started to talk to me again as if they weren't there.

"Hey, I know you heard me." The jock said while slamming his hand down on the table.

A different guy pulled him back, "Dude, chill."

I looked at him curiously. He was obviously a jock too. His well defined muscles shown as he gripped the other jocks shoulder.

"Whatever. Sit with these losers." The guy shrugged off the charming man and the group walked off except him.

He sat down at the table in front of Carter and I. "Hi, I'm Darren."

"I'm jade," I said and then pointed to Carter. "That's Carter."

He smiled at us and we sat and talked to get to know each other until the bell signaled us to go back to class.

Darren walked me to my class and told me a short bye before walking off.


Getting home I went upstairs to change then walked up to Sam.

"Hey Muffin, How was school?" He asked.

I smiled and started to tell him about the new guy I had met. He Listened to every word that came out of my mouth while smiling.

Once I stopped talking I sat and watched the news with him.

I sunk down on the shower floor as I sobbed in pain. Everyday that has passed since burning the house hurt. All the time memories of Sam would sink into my brain to remind me he was gone.

It's a harsh reality. Before I couldn't imagine living without Sam and know I am forced to. A wound that would never heal.

I stood up and turned the water off. I got out, changed, brushed my teeth, and walked out.

Darren stood in front of me as soon as I exited the bathroom.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I gave him a small nod then he led me downstairs then out the back door. The group all gathered up together and we walked into the woods.

We kept walking until we made it to the spot. I ran my hand over the tree where Sam's name was carved.

I fought the urge to run back home and keep my hand on the name. I could already fell tears form in my eye's as Kevin came to put his hand on my shoulder.

Soon Carter and Ryan came behind me to be with me while I grieved. That led Darren to stand next to me while Abagail and Brandon kept their distance.

I didn't know where Ashton decided to stand as I focused on Sam's name. It was as if I could imagine him standing with us.

"We won." I said. Wherever Sam was I hope he could hear me. "Rick is burning in h-hell." My voice cracked at the end.

"He would be proud of you." Kevin said from beside me.

I backed away from the tree to sit next to Blue while the others grieved. I started petting Blue as he laid down in the grass next to me. After being around each other for a while my friends became my family.


Five years later...

"Okay, have fun." I said hanging up the phone call.

Abagail had gone to Paris France with Brandon. Once they moved in together they started saving up money for their big trip. They had been broke for a good while, but together they made it to now.

Darren and I had also moved into our own place as we spent Ricks money on it. So, Kevin was left behind with Ashton and Blue.

I never figured out where Nathan ended up, but I wished him well. It's all I could really do.

Everyday I still felt an empty hole where Sam left, but I seemed to find ways around it.

I looked down at the simple white ring on my finger. Darren proposed about a year after everything which put us both in a happy state.

We had everyone gather at a small wedding. We got a priest to help us say our lines so that we could elope in a beautiful wooded area.

Every now and then the whole group would stay at Kevin's house to spend the nigh with each other. Our life's had became simple and peaceful in the past years.

My only worry was the fact Darren and I were trying for a baby. I couldn't wait to be carrying a child as we had tried for one not too long ago.

Each one of us had a new path in life to take.



Darren walked in and handed me a box with pregnancy tests inside. I took it from him ad went to our bathroom.

I opened the box and grabbed on of the white sticks then started to use the bathroom. After a minute or two I waited to look at the results.

I washed my hands and went out of the bathroom to revel to myself and Darren the answer.

He looked at me with anticipation and I turned the test to show us both the results.

Before I could have any response to it Darren made me drop it by picking me up and spinning us in a small circle.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a father." He exclaimed.

I smiled at his reaction and picked up my phone. I immediately dialed Kevin's number and he answered after a few rings.

"What's up?"

"One sec." I said and started adding more people to the call.

Once everyone was on the call I decided to speak, "I'm pregnant."

Carter started yelling in the phone as everybody tried to ask questions causing Darren to laugh.

"Guys, one person at a time." I said into the phone.

"What names are you going to pick?" I heard Ryan ask.

"If it's a girl Darren wants to call her Abby, but if it's a boy we wanted to name him Samuel."

They took pause before Carter spoke up, "I love it."

The others started agreeing and I told them I would leave them alone now. We all hung up and I went to Darren and I's bed.

I laid down on the bed then Darren laid down next to me. He sunk down to kiss my tummy and put his hand on it.

I smiled down at him and closed my eyes. The feeling of bliss washed over as I thought to myself.

What we lost led us to our future. All the pain swelled up in all of us was now faded. Even if the haunting memories haunted us at night still we would continue down the rest of our journeys.

Every sacrifice is made for a reason and I finally felt fine with how my future would end up. All I needed was right in front of me. Once we reached our lowest all we had left was to climb back up and that's what we did.

We climbed and made it leaving behind the bad things with it. I leaned into Darren's arms and sighed in content.

I felt him kiss my forehead and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

In the back of my mind I could hear Sam, "Goodnight Muffin."

The end

Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed Jades journey as she took you on an emotional roller coaster.

Please go check out my other book! Kaitlyn <3

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